Home Symptoms List of acidic and semi-acidic fruits for the stomach

List of acidic and semi-acidic fruits for the stomach


Acidic fruits like orange, pineapple or strawberry, for example, are rich in vitamin C, fiber and potassium, and are also known as citrus fruits.

Its richness in vitamin C is essential to prevent diseases such as scurvy, which arises when there is a lack of this vitamin.

Acidic fruits are not as acidic as gastric juice, however they can increase the acidity in the stomach, and therefore should not be consumed in case of gastritis or gastroesophageal reflux, for example. See which foods are the richest in vitamin C.

List of sour fruits

Acidic fruits are those rich in citric acid, which is responsible for the slightly bitter and spicy taste of these fruits, which can be divided into two groups:

  • Acidic or citrus fruits:

Pineapple, acerola, plum, blackberry, cashew, cider, cupuaƧu, raspberry, currant, jabuticaba, orange, lime, lemon, quince, strawberry, loquat, peach, pomegranate, tamarind, tangerine and grape.

  • Semi-acidic fruits:

Persimmon, green apple, passion fruit, guava, pear, carambola and raisin.

Semi-acidic fruits have a lower amount of citric acid in their composition, and are better tolerated in cases of stomach problems such as gastritis or reflux. All other fruits can be eaten normally in cases of gastritis.

Acidic fruits in gastritis and reflux

Other acid fruits

Acidic fruits should be avoided in cases of ulcers and gastritis attacks, as the acid can cause increased pain when the stomach is already inflamed. The same goes for reflux cases where there are sores or inflammation in the esophagus and throat, as the pain appears when citric acid comes into contact with the wound.

However, when the stomach is not inflamed or when there are lesions along the throat, citrus fruits can be eaten at will, as their acid will even help prevent intestinal problems like cancer and gastritis. See what the Diet for gastritis and ulcer should be like.

Acid fruits in pregnancy

Acidic fruits in pregnancy can help to reduce nausea as the acidic fruit stimulates the formation of digestive acids, favoring gastric emptying. In addition, these fruits also have good amounts of folic acid and B vitamins that are essential for the formation of the baby's neural tube and tissues.

List of acidic and semi-acidic fruits for the stomach