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Which right side to use crutches?


Crutches are indicated to give more balance when the individual has an injured leg, foot or knee, but they must be used correctly to avoid pain in the wrists, shoulders and back, and to avoid falling.

The guidelines for using 1 or 2 crutches are slightly different, but in any case it is recommended that the body weight should be supported on the hand and not on the armpits, to avoid damaging the nerves in this region, walking should be slow and to feel tired, the crutches should be used on regular ground, with special care being taken when walking on wet, damp, ice and snow.

How to use crutches correctly

The following are specific rules:

Walking with 1 crutch

  • Keep the crutch on the opposite side of the injured leg / foot; The first step is always with the injured leg / foot + the crutch at the same time, because the crutch must serve as a support for the injured leg; Tilt the cup slightly forward and start walking as if you were going to put the body weight on the injured leg, but support some of the weight on the crutch; when the good leg is on the floor, put the crutch forward and take a step with the injured leg; keep the look ahead and don't just look at your feet

Up and down stairs with 1 crutch

  • Hold the handrail of the stairs; Climb 1st with the good leg, which has more strength and then take the injured leg with the crutch, support the weight of the body on the handrail whenever placing the injured leg on the step; injured and the crutch on the step, then you should put your good leg, going down one step at a time.

Walking with 2 crutches

  • Place the crutches about 3 centimeters below the armpit, and the height of the grip should be at the same level as the hip; The first step should be with the good leg and while the injured leg is slightly bent, The next step should be taken with the two crutches at the same time

Up and down stairs with 2 crutches

To go up:

  • Climb the first step with the healthy leg, keeping the two crutches on the step below; Place the 2 crutches on the same step of the healthy leg while raising the injured leg; Climb the next step with the healthy leg, keeping the two crutches on step below.

To descend:

  • Lift your foot off the floor, keeping your injured leg well stretched forward, to be able to balance your body and reduce the risk of falling; Place the crutches on the bottom step, Place the injured leg on the same step as the crutches; Descend with a healthy leg.

One should not try to go down the stairs by placing a crutch on each step, so as not to risk falling.

Other important precautions

If you think you will not be able to walk, climb or descend stairs using crutches, seek help from a family member or friend to feel more secure, because sometimes it can be difficult to remember all the details in the first days, with a greater risk of falling.

The time of use of the crutches varies according to the severity of the injury. For example, if the fracture is properly consolidated and the patient is able to support the weight of the body on both legs, without limping the crutch will be unnecessary. However, if the patient still needs some support to walk and to have more balance, it may be necessary to use the crutches for longer.

Which right side to use crutches?