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Can liver cirrhosis be cured?


Cirrhosis is a chronic disease that has no cure, unless a liver transplant is performed, as it is possible to receive a new and functional liver, improving the person's quality of life. However, when the transplant is not performed and when the disease is not properly treated and monitored by the doctor, the chances of cure are low, and there may be liver failure.

Cirrhosis is a disease characterized by the slow destruction of the liver which results in the progressive loss of function of this organ, bringing symptoms and complications to people. Cirrhosis happens most of the time due to excessive alcohol consumption, but it can also be due to the indiscriminate use of medications or as a result of infection by the hepatitis virus. Understand why cirrhosis happens.

When cirrhosis is curable

Cirrhosis is curable from the moment the liver transplant is done. For there to be an indication for transplantation, the disease must be in more advanced stages, so that liver functions are impaired and a direct impact on the person's life and an increased risk of complications, such as esophageal varices, peritonitis, are observed and brain and lung complications, for example. Not all people who have cirrhosis are eligible for liver transplantation, as many of them manage to have the disease controlled through the use of the medications indicated by the doctor.

From the moment that the doctor indicates the accomplishment of the transplant, the patient is placed in a waiting list, being recommended to continue the treatment indicated by the doctor to relieve the signs and symptoms of the disease.

After the transplant, in order to confirm the cure of the disease, it is recommended that the person is accompanied by the hepatologist to check if there is any sign of rejection of the transplanted organ. See what recovery is like after a liver transplant.

How is the treatment

Treatment for cirrhosis aims to relieve symptoms and prevent disease progression, the main recommendation being to avoid and / or treat the cause. In the event that cirrhosis is due to alcohol or drug use, it is recommended to avoid use altogether, while when caused by the hepatitis virus, it is important to treat the infection.

In addition, it is important to have an adequate diet and use the remedies to control the symptoms according to the doctor's guidance. Understand how cirrhosis treatment should be done.

Possible complications

Complications of cirrhosis can arise when the treatment is not carried out correctly or when it is started in late stages of the disease, with a greater risk of complications such as liver cancer, ascites, spontaneous bacterial peritonitis, hepatic encephalopathy, hepatorrenal syndrome and hepatocarcinoma, for example, and therefore, to avoid these complications, the treatment must be carried out correctly and all medical guidelines must be respected.

Can liver cirrhosis be cured?