A great home remedy for fatigue is the combined juice of carrots and beets with orange, as it is very energetic, rich in iron and other vitamins.
Constant tiredness can be related to the weakening of the organism and can be associated with other symptoms, such as digestive difficulties, lack of appetite, dizziness and even muscle weakness.
https://static.tuasaude.com/media/article/sn/qa/remedio-caseiro-para-fadiga_14423_l.jpg ">
- 1 medium carrot 70 g beetroot
Method of preparation
Add all the ingredients in the centrifuge and drink the juice every day when you get up. Usually, in 15 days the results are evident.
In addition, anemia, diabetes and dengue can also be the cause of fatigue, so if fatigue persists it is important to see a general practitioner to discover and treat the cause of tiredness without reason.