Home Home-Remedies Natural remedy for flu in baby

Natural remedy for flu in baby


An excellent natural remedy for flu in babies older than 6 months is onion tea, as it helps to relieve coughing and airway congestion, characteristics of influenza due to its dilating and expectorant properties. In addition, this remedy

For babies under 6 months of age, it is only recommended to breastfeed several times during the day, as breast milk helps to fluidize the secretions and the act of swallowing the milk helps the baby to swallow the secretions in the throat. Thus, for babies under the age of 6 months it is not recommended to give any home or natural remedies for flu.



  • 1 large brown onion, 1 cup water

Method of preparation

Place the onion skin in the water and bring to a boil. After boiling, strain, let warm and give the baby onion tea until the flu symptoms are relieved.

See another home remedy for baby flu.

Natural remedy for flu in baby