Home Symptoms Sedentary lifestyle: what it is and main consequences

Sedentary lifestyle: what it is and main consequences


Sedentary lifestyle is a situation in which the person does not practice any type of physical activity regularly, in addition to sitting for a long time and not being willing to perform simple day-to-day activities, which has a direct influence on health and well-being of the person, since it increases the risk of cardiovascular diseases, diabetes and loss of muscle mass.

Thus, due to the lack of exercise and a little active life, the sedentary person ends up increasing the intake of foods, mainly rich in fats and sugar, which leads to the accumulation of fat in the abdominal region, in addition to favoring weight gain. and increased amount of cholesterol and circulating triglycerides.

In order to get out of a sedentary lifestyle, it is necessary to change some lifestyle habits, both related to food and physical activities, and it is recommended that the practice of physical activity begins to be done gradually and accompanied by a physical education professional.

8 harm that sedentary lifestyle can cause

Sedentary lifestyle can result in several health consequences, such as:

  1. Lack of muscle strength due to not stimulating all muscles; Joint pain due to excess weight; Abdominal and internal fat accumulation; Excessive weight gain and even obesity; Increased cholesterol and triglycerides; Cardiovascular diseases such as heart attack or stroke; Increased risk of type 2 diabetes due to insulin resistance; Snoring during sleep and sleep apnea because air can pass through the airways with difficulty.

The increase in weight may be the first consequence of being sedentary and the other complications appear gradually, over time and are silent.

What favors a sedentary lifestyle

Some situations that favor a sedentary lifestyle include the lack of time or money to pay for the gym. In addition, the convenience of taking the elevator, parking the car near work and the use of the remote control, for example, favor a sedentary lifestyle, as this way the person avoids climbing stairs or walking to work, for example.

Therefore, for the person to be able to move more, maintaining strong muscles and heart health, it is recommended to always opt for \\\ 'old fashion \\\' preferring the stairs and whenever possible walking. But still, you should do some kind of exercise every week.

Who needs to worry

Ideally, all people of all ages should be in the habit of engaging in regular physical activity. You can play football with friends, run outdoors and walk at the end of the day because what matters most is keeping your body moving for 30 minutes daily or 1 hour, 3 times a week.

Even children and people who think they already move around a lot need to be in the habit of doing physical activity regularly because it only has health benefits. Know the benefits of physical activity.

How to fight sedentary lifestyle

To combat sedentary lifestyle, you can choose any type of physical activity as long as it is done at least 3 times a week because only then will there be a decrease in the risk of disease due to lack of physical activity. Practicing some physical activity only once a week does not have so many benefits, but if it is what time the person has at the moment, any effort will be better than nothing.

To start, it is recommended to go to the doctor to be examined, because this way he will be able to tell if the person is fit or not for the activity he intends to do. Generally, the initial choice of a person who is overweight and wants to quit being sedentary is walking because it has little impact on the joints and can be done at your own pace. Learn how to get out of a sedentary lifestyle.

Sedentary lifestyle: what it is and main consequences