- Baumann skin types
- How to know the skin type
- Oil test: Is my skin oily or dry?
- Start the test
- Pigmentation test: Is my skin pigmented or not?
- Start the test
The skin type is influenced by genetic, environmental and lifestyle factors and, therefore, by changing some behaviors it is possible to improve the skin's health, making it more hydrated, nourished, luminous and with a younger appearance. For this, it is important to know the skin type well, in order to make better decisions regarding the choice of daily care.
One of the tools that can help determine your skin type is the Baumann System, which is a classification method that was developed by dermatologist Leslie Baumann. This system is based on four evaluation parameters: oiliness, sensitivity, pigmentation and tendency to develop wrinkles. Among the combination of these parameters, it is possible to determine 16 different skin types.
To be able to determine Baumann's skin type, the person must answer a questionnaire, the result of which evaluates 4 different parameters, can be used as a guide to choose the most suitable products.
Baumann skin types
The skin type classification system is based on four parameters that assess whether the skin is dry (D) or oily (O), pigmented (P) or non-pigmented (N), sensitive (S) or resistant (R) and with wrinkles (W) or firm (T), and each of these results is assigned a letter, which corresponds to the initial letter of the English word.
The combination of these results produces 16 potential skin types, with a specific letter sequence:
Oily | Oily | Dry | Dry | ||
Sensitive | OSPW | OSNW | DSPW | DSNW | With Wrinkles |
Sensitive | OSPT | OSNT | DSPT | DSNT | Firm |
Resistant | ORPW | ORNW | DRPW | DRNW | With Wrinkles |
Resistant | ORPT | ORNT | DRPT | DRNT | Firm |
Pigmented | Non Pigmented | Pigmented | Non Pigmented |
How to know the skin type
To find out what your skin type is according to the Baumann system and which products are best for you, just select the parameters that relate to your skin type in the following calculator. If you have doubts about any of the parameters, you must perform the respective test, which is below and then mark the result on the calculator. Here are some tips for assessing your skin type.
Oil test: Is my skin oily or dry?
Dry skin is characterized by insufficient sebum production or deficient skin barrier, which makes the skin more susceptible to losing water and becoming dehydrated. On the other hand, oily skin produces more sebum, being more protected from water loss and premature aging, however it can be more prone to suffering from acne.
- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Start the test
Start the test- NeverRarelyAt least once a monthAt least once a week
- NeverRarelySometimesAlwaysI don't use products on my face
- NoFriends and acquaintances tell me I haveYesYes, a serious caseDo not know
- NeverRarelyFrequentlyAlwaysDon't remember
- NeverRarelyFrequentlyAlwaysI never wear sunscreen
- NoMy friends tell me that I haveYesYes, I had a serious caseI'm not sure
- NeverRarelyFrequentlyAlwaysI don’t wear rings
- NeverRarelyFrequentlyAlwaysI never use these types of products. (If you don't use it because you react to the products, check the first answer)
- Yes Most of the time, I have no problem. No, I feel itchy / itchy and reddened skin. I wouldn't use it. I take my usual, so I don't know.
- NoA family member I knowVarious family membersMany of my family members have dermatitis, eczema, asthma or allergiesDo not know
- My skin feels goodMy skin feels slightly dryIch itchy / itchy my skinIch itchy / itchy and itchy skinI'm not sure, or I never used it
- NeverSometimesFrequentlyAlways
- NeverSometimesFrequentlyAlways, or I don't drink because of this problemI never drink alcohol
- NeverSometimesFrequentlyAlwaysI never eat spicy food.
- None Few (one to three on the entire face, including the nose) Some (four to six on the entire face, including the nose) Many (more than seven on the entire face, including nose)
- Never, or never noticed it SometimesFrequentlyAlways
- NeverSometimesFrequentlyAlwaysI'm always tanned.
- NeverSometimesFrequentlyAlwaysI don't use these products. (choose the 4th answer if you do not use these products because of redness, itching or swelling)
Resistant skins rarely suffer from acne problems, but even if they do, stronger formulations can be used to treat the problem, because there is no risk that the skin will react.
Pigmentation test: Is my skin pigmented or not?
This parameter measures the tendency that a person may have to develop hyperpigmentation, regardless of skin color, although darker skins are more likely to manifest pigmented skin type.
- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
Start the test
Start the test- No, not even when smiling, frowning or raising eyebrowsOnly when I smile, I move my forehead or raise my eyebrowsYes, with movement and some at restI have wrinkles even if I don't make movements
- 5 to 10 years younger than her ageHer age 5 years older than her ageMore than 5 years older than her ageNot applicable: I was adopted or I don't remember
- 5 to 10 years younger than his ageHis age5 years older than his ageMore than five years older than his ageNot applicable: I was adopted or I don't remember
- 5 to 10 years younger than her ageHer age5 years older than her ageMore than five years older than her ageNot applicable: I don't remember / I was adopted
- 5 to 10 years younger than his ageHis age5 years older than his ageMore than five years older than his ageNot applicable: I don't remember / I was adopted
- 5 to 10 years younger than her ageHer age5 years older than her ageMore than five years older than her ageNot applicable: I don't remember / I was adopted
- 5 to 10 years younger than his ageHis age5 years older than his ageMore than five years older than his ageNot applicable: I don't remember / I was adopted
- Never 1 to 5 years 5 to 10 years More than 10 years
- Never 1 to 5 years 5 to 10 years More than 10 years
- Little. I lived in gray or cloudy places. I lived in climates with little sun, but also in places with regular sunshine. I lived in places with a good amount of sun exposure, I lived in tropical, northern or very sunny places
- 1 to 5 years younger than my ageMy age5 years older than my ageMore than 5 years older than my age
- NeverOnce a monthOnce a weekDaily
- Never 1 to 5 times 5 to 10 times Many times
- NoneSome packsFrom several to many packsSmoke every dayNever smoked, but I lived with smokers or worked with people who smoked regularly in my presence
- The air is fresh and cleanDuring most of the year I live in a place with clean airThe air is slightly pollutedThe air is very polluted
- Many yearsOccasionallyOnce for acne when I was youngerNever
- With every mealOnce a dayOccasionallyNever
- 75 to 10025 to 7510 to 250 to 25
- DarkMediumLight Very light
- African American / Caribbean / Asian Black / Indian / Mediterranean / Other Latin American / Hispanic Caucasians
- Yes No
Also watch the following video and see other cares that are important for perfect skin: