- 1. Narcissist
- 2. Borderline
- 3. Anti-social
- 4. Dodge
- 5. Obsessive-compulsive
- 6. Paranoid
- 7. Schizoid
- 8. Schizotypical
- 9. Histrionics
- 10. Dependent
Personality disorders consist of a persistent pattern of behavior, which deviates from what is expected in a given culture in which the individual is inserted.
Personality disorders usually start in adulthood and the most common are:
1. Narcissist
Narcissistic personality disorder is characterized by a great need for admiration, a great feeling about oneself, arrogance, the need for permanent recognition, an unlimited desire for success, power, intelligence, beauty or ideal love.
Narcissists have the belief that they are special, unique and superior to other people, feel that they should be admired and treated in a special way by others, take advantage of others to achieve their own goals, lack empathy and do not understand other people's feelings and needs and often feel jealous or believe they are the target of someone else's envy. Learn how to live with a narcissist.
2. Borderline
Borderline personality disorder occurs in people who have instability in interpersonal relationships and is characterized by constant feelings of emptiness, sudden changes in mood and marked impulsivity. Get tested and find out if you have borderline syndrome.
These people generally make a great effort to avoid abandonment, have a pattern of unstable and intense relationships, characterized by the alternation between extremes of idealization and devaluation, have a disturbance of identity and impulsive behaviors. In addition, in some cases, these people have self-harm behaviors and suicide threats.
3. Anti-social
Antisocial personality disorder can appear very early, as a child, and is characterized by attitudes of disrespect and violation of other people's rights, dangerous and criminal behaviors and an inability to conform to social norms.
These people have a great aptitude for deceiving, lying, using false names or deceiving other people, for personal gain or pleasure. They are impulsive and aggressive and often resort to physical aggression and disrespect for others, without feeling remorse and showing indifference for having hurt or mistreated someone. Learn how to identify an antisocial person.
4. Dodge
This personality disorder is characterized by a marked inhibition in the social environment, with feelings of inadequacy and great sensitivity to negative evaluation on the part of other people.
These people avoid carrying out interpersonal activities, due to fear of criticism and rejection or disapproval, are afraid to get involved in intimate relationships or meet new people and feel inferior to the other. In addition, they are also very afraid to take personal risks and get involved in new activities. Find out how this disorder is treated.
5. Obsessive-compulsive
Obsessive-compulsive personality disorder is marked by an excessive concern with the organization, perfectionism, mental and interpersonal control, inflexibility, excessive concern with details, rules, order, organization or schedules. Know how to recognize if you suffer from this disorder.
These people are overly dedicated to work and productivity, neglecting leisure activities. In addition, they have a high inability to dispose of useless objects, do not like to delegate tasks or work in groups, unless other people are subject to their rules and are extremely restrained in personal expenses and with other people.
6. Paranoid
Paranoid personality disorder is characterized by extreme distrust and suspicion in relation to others, in which your intentions are interpreted as malicious by the paranoid.
A person with paranoid personality disorder does not trust and suspect other people and often feels that he is being exploited, mistreated or deceived, constantly questions the loyalty of friends and colleagues, does not trust others and feels that his intentions are humiliating or threatening.
In addition, they hold a grudge, do not forgive easily and habitually receive the attitudes of others as attacks, reacting impulsively with anger and counterattack. Learn more about paranoid personality disorder.
7. Schizoid
People who suffer from schizoid personality disorder tend to distance themselves from other people and avoid social relationships or intimate relationships, such as being part of a family, for example.
In addition, they prefer to perform solitary activities, avoid intimate contact with their partner, do not have close friends, are indifferent to praise or criticism and are emotionally cold and detached.
8. Schizotypical
This disorder is characterized by an inability to establish intimate relationships and distrust and lack of affection towards other people.
People with schizotypal personality disorder have eccentric behavior, bizarre beliefs, which are not in accordance with the cultural norms in which the person is inserted and bizarre thinking and speech. Find out how this personality disorder is treated.
9. Histrionics
Histrionic personality disorder is characterized by excessive emotionality and attention seeking. The person suffering from this disorder feels bad when he is not the center of attention and the interaction with others is often characterized by inappropriate behavior, sexually provocative and with rapid changes in the expression of emotions.
He usually uses physical appearance to get attention and uses overly impressionistic speech and exaggerated emotional expressions. However, these people are easily influenced by others or circumstances and consider relationships with people more intimate than they really are. Learn more about histrionic personality disorder.
10. Dependent
Dependent personality disorder is characterized by an excessive need to be cared for, leading to submissive behavior and fear of separation, difficulty making decisions without the help of others, the need for others to take responsibility for the main areas of their life and difficulty to disagree with others, for fear of losing support or approval.
In addition, these people find it difficult to start projects or do things on their own, due to lack of self-confidence, energy or motivation. They also have an extreme need to receive affection and support and feel discomfort or helplessness when they are alone and, therefore, urgently seek a new relationship as a source of affection and support, when the current one ends. Find out how the treatment is done.