Home Symptoms Exercises, vest and surgery to treat kyphosis

Exercises, vest and surgery to treat kyphosis


To treat mild kyphosis it may be necessary to maintain good posture on a daily basis and exercise that strengthens the back and abdomen, but in the most severe cases, when there is moderate or severe hyperkyphosis physiotherapy or surgery sessions are recommended to correct the column.

Dorsal kyphosis, also known as thoracic kyphosis, is an anterior deviation of the spine, which causes the back to become crooked, in a "hunchback" position, and usually the person has the neck, shoulders and head tilted forward. Often, kyphosis appears to compensate for lordosis and, in some cases, cervical kyphosis is accompanied by scoliosis, requiring specific treatment.

Generally, kyphosis is more common in adolescents due to poor posture, and in women after menopause, when osteoporosis occurs, and when left untreated it tends to worsen, causing increased back pain and can impair breathing.

Treatment options for kyphosis

The forms of treatment for dorsal hyperkyphosis are defined by the doctor, according to the severity of each case, but the options are:

General exercises

In cases of mild kyphosis, when the person can voluntarily correct the posture by keeping the spine erect and the shoulders and head back, only strengthening exercises for the back and abdomen may be indicated. Some examples of these exercises are:

  • Bodybuilding: the person can use machines, like the "flyer" that help to work the chest muscles and, that help to correct the posture. Localized exercises: to strengthen the abdominal muscles; Swimming, water aerobics or rowing: these are good exercises for kyphosis as they help to strengthen the back muscles and improve physical conditioning, helping to put the shoulders back.

These exercises should be performed 2-3 times a week and achieve excellent results, but maintaining good posture in everyday life is also important. Stretching exercises are indicated at the end of training to promote spinal flexibility and relieve back pain due to poor posture.

Use of posture vest

Orthosis and vests for hyperkyphosis should only be used when indicated by the orthopedic doctor. Stretch fabric vests that are bought in underwear stores, for example, are not recommended. These can even impair posture because the pressure exerted by the vest can apparently improve posture instantly, but this posture is inadequate and does not correct the position of the head and lumbar curvature, and over time, there may be worsening of pain in the back.


To treat moderate kyphosis, when even if the person voluntarily tries to align the spine, without success, physiotherapy sessions are recommended with the assistance of a professional, at least once a week for 1 hour. Kinesiotherapy exercises should be performed, using targeted training methods, such as global postural re-education, pilates and isostretching, for example. Best results are seen when 2-3 sessions per week are performed.

The physiotherapist should also guide the person to maintain the proper posture in the day-to-day, which he must maintain in all positions: sitting, lying down and walking. Spinal manipulation techniques may also be indicated to release the movement of the spine, but they must be performed with caution in elderly people due to the risk of fracture due to bone weakness.

Know some examples of exercises to correct kyphosis that the physiotherapist can indicate.


When kyphosis is severe, the orthopedic doctor may recommend spinal surgery to correct the deviation. Surgery is usually done in case of congenital kyphosis, even during childhood or adolescence. It is also recommended in the case of Scheuerman's disease over 70 degrees at the Cobb angle. Surgery can be done with the technique such as arthrodesis, where the 2 vertebrae above and below hyperkyphosis merge.

Exercises, vest and surgery to treat kyphosis