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Plastic surgery: yes or no?


Plastic surgery is a technique that serves to improve physical appearance, such as harmonizing the face, hiding scars, thinning the face or hips, thickening the legs or reshaping the nose, for example. Therefore, plastic surgery is not a mandatory surgery and always depends on the patient's wishes.

Some surgeries can be performed under general or local anesthesia and the length of hospital stay varies depending on the area treated, but on average 3 days are enough for people to be able to return home. However, recovery should continue to be done at home, which can take from a few days to a few months, until the final result is achieved.

Why do plastic surgery?

Plastic surgery can be done to increase self-esteem when you are dissatisfied with any part of the body. In addition, in some cases plastic surgery is done after an accident, burn or deformation of the body to improve the appearance of the region.

Major plastic surgeries

Some types of plastic surgery include:

  • Plastic surgery on the eyes: Blepharoplasty; Plastic surgery on the nose: Rhinoplasty; Plastic surgery on the ears: Otoplasty; Plastic surgery on the chin: Mentoplasty; Plastic surgery on the breasts: Augmentation or reduction mammoplasty; Plastic surgery on the belly: abdominoplasty, Liposuction or Liposculpture.

This type of surgery should not be trivialized, as it also has risks, such as infections, pulmonary embolism, formation of seromas and alteration of sensitivity at the surgery site.

Where to have plastic surgery?

The doctor responsible for performing plastic surgery is the plastic surgeon and to exercise the profession, in Brazil, he must be enrolled in SBCP - Brazilian Society of Plastic Surgery.

Plastic surgery must be performed in a specialized clinic and this type of treatment is usually expensive. Some types of plastic surgery can be performed in a hospital and be free as long as it is recommended by another doctor.

How is plastic surgery recovery

The recovery time varies with the type of surgery and the simpler it is, the faster the recovery.

Generally, after a plastic surgery, one should remain with the bandaged area for a few days and it is normal to experience pain and discomfort. The region may have purple and swollen spots in the first days and the results take an average of 30 to 90 days to be fully noticed.

Main complications of plastic surgery

Like any surgery, also in plastic surgery, complications such as infection, thrombosis or opening of the stitches may arise. However, these complications are more frequent in people who have chronic diseases, anemia or who take anticoagulant drugs, for example.

In addition, there are greater chances of complications when the surgery lasts more than 2 hours, in case of general anesthesia or when major surgery is performed. Read more about the risks of plastic surgery.

Plastic surgery: yes or no?