Home Symptoms Here's how to get rid of mold to protect yourself from disease

Here's how to get rid of mold to protect yourself from disease


Mold can cause skin allergy, rhinitis and sinusitis because the mold spores present in the mold are hovering in the air and come in contact with the skin and the respiratory system causing changes.

Other diseases that can also be caused by mold are eye problems that manifest themselves through red and watery eyes, asthma and pneumonia, which especially affect bedridden people, the elderly and babies.

Therefore, in addition to treating the disease that has set in, it is essential to eliminate mold from the environments that the individual frequents.

1. How to get mold out of the house

To remove the musty smell from the house it is important to:

  • Check the gutters and roof tiles, checking if they are broken or accumulating water; Use anti-mold paints to cover the walls with a lot of humidity; Place dehumidifiers in rooms without windows or with a lot of humidity, such as kitchen, bathroom or basement; Ventilate daily house, opening the windows for at least 30 minutes; ventilate the cabinets at least once a week, avoiding overfilling the interior space; leaving a space between the furniture and the wall, to allow air to pass through; clean well the places hidden by furniture, carpets or curtains; use the lids of the pots while cooking; keep the bathroom door closed during the bath, to prevent the moisture from spreading.

2. How to get mildew out of clothes

To remove mold from clothing it is recommended:

  • White linen : mix 1 spoon of salt with lemon juice and vinegar. Then rub over the fabric affected by the mold, rinse and allow to dry well. Another technique is to mix 4 tablespoons of sugar, 1 teaspoon of dishwashing detergent and 50 ml of bleach and soak the clothes for 20 minutes; Colorful clothes: soak the fabric, with mold, in lemon juice and then rub gently for 5 minutes. Rinse the clothes and let them dry; Leather: clean the piece with a cloth soaked in apple cider vinegar and then moisturize the area with petroleum jelly or almond oil.

Frequently used clothing should be washed at least once a month to prevent mold from developing. Clothes that have been stored for more than 3 months, on the other hand, should be put to air for a few hours and then washed.

3. How to remove mold from walls

To remove mold from the wall, a good solution is to spray it with chlorine, or chlorine diluted in water in the case of light mold, and then clean with a cloth and dry with a dryer, the place where the mold was.

However, another good way to remove mold from the wall is to scrape the fungus plate, clean the wall with a cloth soaked in vinegar and then dry.

4. How to remove mold from the wardrobe

An excellent way to get mildew out of your wardrobe is to:

  1. Remove all the clothes from the closet; Put 1 liter of vinegar to a boil; Remove the pan from the heat and let it cool inside the wardrobe; Wait 2 hours, remove the pan and put the mixture in a spray bottle; Spray the places with mold and then wipe with a wet cloth.

After cleaning the wardrobe, it is important to leave the cabinet doors open so that the material dries and the smell is eliminated.

See how to treat mold-related allergies at:

Here's how to get rid of mold to protect yourself from disease