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3 Foods to strengthen bones


3 excellent foods to strengthen bones are kuru leaves, prunes and eggs because these foods are rich in calcium and vitamin D, essential for maintaining strong and healthy bones.

Regular consumption of foods rich in calcium and vitamin D is important for the development of children, pregnant women, menopausal women and the elderly, being particularly indicated to prevent and treat osteoporosis.

In addition to these foods, there are also classics such as milk, yogurt or cheese, and dark green leafy vegetables and fish like salmon.

1. Caruru

Caruru leaves are very rich in calcium and, therefore, are an indispensable food to keep the bone structure strong, avoiding cases of osteoporosis and frequent fractures. This aromatic herb, with a spicy flavor, can be added to different dishes such as salads, typical dishes, pancakes, cakes and breads. See all your benefits here.

2. Prune

This fruit, in addition to being very rich in calcium, has chemical substances that prevent the natural resorption of bone, preventing the loss of bone density. To obtain these benefits, you should eat 5 or 6 fruits, making it an ideal option for dessert or breakfast.

3. Egg

The egg is another key piece to keep bones healthy, as it contains vitamin D that helps the calcium in food to be used and absorbed by the bones. Thus, it is recommended to eat egg at least 3 times a week, preferably cooked or fried in water, to avoid increasing the amount of fat and cholesterol.

How to prepare a salad to strengthen bones

A good salad recipe for those who need to strengthen their bones is the salad with kuru leaves, plum and boiled egg. This recipe contains a good dose of calcium, vitamin D and proteins, making it a balanced meal, ideal for the hottest days of the year.


  • Lettuce leavesCaruru leaves or spinach leavesBroccoli (undercooked) 1 prune finely chopped2 boiled eggsHerbs for seasoning

Method of preparation

Place all ingredients in a salad bowl and season with aromatic herbs, such as oregano, basil and thyme, for example, or season with a mixture of olive oil and lemon droplets.

Watch the video and see the fruits you should eat to strengthen your bones:

In addition to regular consumption of calcium-rich foods, it is important to practice some physical activity, such as walking, because exercise is essential to strengthen bones and keep them healthy. Another good strategy to strengthen bones is to buy foods enriched with calcium or vitamin D, in these cases you can easily see on the food packaging the information that it is an enriched food.

See more examples of bone-strengthening foods:

3 Foods to strengthen bones