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4 Tips to Increase Good Cholesterol


Maintaining good cholesterol levels, also called HDL, above 60 mg / dL is important to reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases, such as atherosclerosis, heart attack and stroke, because even when bad cholesterol is at normal levels, having cholesterol good low increases the risk of these complications.

So, to increase HDL cholesterol levels in the blood, 4 important strategies are:

1. Exercise regularly

Aerobic exercises such as walking, running, swimming or cycling are the best options to increase the levels of good cholesterol in the blood. It is recommended to do at least 30 minutes of exercise 3 times a week or, to further improve the results, 1 hour of exercise every day.

During exercise, the heart rate must remain high and the breathing a little labored, which is why even those who walk a lot and apparently have a very active life, also need to set aside a specific time to do physical activity and force the body more. See what are the best exercises to lower bad cholesterol and increase good cholesterol at: Best exercises to lose weight.

2. Have an adequate diet

Consuming the right amount of fat is ideal for keeping cholesterol in check, and some dietary strategies to increase HDL are:

  • Eat foods with omega 3, such as sardines, trout, cod and tuna; Eat vegetables for lunch and dinner; Prefer whole foods such as bread, biscuits and brown rice; Eat at least 2 fruits a day, preferably with peel and bagasse; Eat good fat sources such as olives, olive oil, avocado, flaxseed, chia, peanuts, nuts and sunflower seeds.

In addition, it is also important to avoid processed foods rich in sugar and fat, such as sausage, sausage, bacon, stuffed biscuit, frozen ready food, fast food, soft drinks and ready-made juices. See some home remedies to lower cholesterol.

3. Avoid drinking alcoholic beverages

Excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages increases bad cholesterol and lowers good cholesterol, in addition to bringing more calories into the diet and favoring weight gain.

However, the consumption of small doses of alcohol per day can help to increase HDL levels in the blood, but this result is only obtained if the consumption is not greater than 2 doses per day. Despite this, those who are not in the habit of consuming alcoholic beverages should not start drinking in order to control cholesterol because there are other safer ways to increase good cholesterol, such as through diet and exercise. Know how much to consume of each type of alcoholic beverage.

4. Consult the cardiologist

The cardiologist should be sought mainly in cases of overweight, poor diet and a history of cardiovascular diseases in the family, as these characteristics lead to a high risk of having heart problems and poor circulation.

According to the results of the exams, the doctor may recommend medications that can increase HDL cholesterol, a practice that is usually used when bad cholesterol is high, because when only good cholesterol is low, the use of drugs is not always necessary.

In addition, certain medications such as Bromazepam and Alprazolam can reduce the concentration of HDL cholesterol in the blood due to a side effect, so it is necessary to have tests and talk to the doctor about the possibility of changing the medication for another one that does not harm cholesterol levels.

See what diet should be like to control cholesterol by watching the video:

4 Tips to Increase Good Cholesterol