Home Symptoms 5 Foods for perfect skin

5 Foods for perfect skin


Some foods like orange juice, Brazil nuts or oats are great for those who want to have perfect skin because they improve the quality of the skin, leaving it less oily, with less pimples and delaying the appearance of wrinkles.

The 5 foods for perfect skin that should be consumed daily are:

1. Orange juice - start the day with 1 glass of orange juice for breakfast. This juice is rich in carotenoids and vitamin C, which keeps the skin elasticity and collagen fibers together, for a firm skin.

2. Brazil nuts - in the morning or afternoon snack, don't forget to eat a Brazil nut because it contains a lot of vitamin E and selenium, which in addition to maintaining healthy skin cells, helps in cellular rejuvenation.

3. Spinach and tomatoes - for lunch or dinner, make a spinach salad with tomatoes. Spinach has lutein, which protects the skin from damage from sunlight, acting as a natural sunscreen, and tomato lycopene improves skin microcirculation, favoring cell nutrition.

4. Oats - add a tablespoon of oats to the fruit smoothie, granola with yogurt or fruit salad because it contains silicon, which protects the integrity of nutrients until they reach the skin.

5. Raw beets - can be added to juice or salad every day, and has an element called carboxypyrrolidonic acid, which helps to keep skin cells well hydrated.

These healthy skin foods should be consumed regularly for a minimum period of 1 month, which is the time interval in which the skin is renewed and the results of a good diet for healthier and more beautiful skin are visible.

Foods for firm skin

The best foods to keep your skin firm are those rich in collagen, such as gelatin, egg, fish and lean meats. So it is important to consume these foods that are rich in good quality protein.

Foods for oily skin

The best type of food for those with oily skin prone to pimples is a diet low in refined foods, such as sugar, wheat flour, white bread and pasta, to reduce the inflammation of pimples. In addition, the diet to prevent the appearance of acne must have foods rich in omega 3, such as flaxseed, olive oil, tuna and salmon, which help to reduce skin inflammation.

Food for dry skin

Foods rich in vitamin E, such as Brazil nuts, corn or sunflower seeds are the best foods for dry skin because they improve skin microcirculation and slow cell aging, keeping skin glands healthy.

Nutritional supplementation of vitamin E can be a good strategy for treating dry skin that can be prescribed by a dermatologist.

For the skin to be beautiful, in addition to eating these foods daily, it is important to drink 1.5 to 2 liters of water a day and always eat vegetables for lunch and dinner, to regulate the intestine, helping to release toxins, thus reducing the oiliness of the skin. skin and reducing pimples.

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5 Foods for perfect skin