Home Symptoms 5 Tips to Improve Memory Fast

5 Tips to Improve Memory Fast


Some tips for improving memory can be:

  1. Make memory games like crosswords or sudoku; Whenever you learn something new, associate it with something you already know; Taking notes and keeping them in view, this can help to fulfill important tasks; Drinking beverages like green tea or coffee during the day because they have caffeine that keeps the brain on alert and makes it easier to capture information to memorize; egg, milk, wheat germ and nuts because they contain substances that prevent forgetfulness and facilitate the recording of information.

In addition, it is important to sleep 7 to 9 hours a day so that the brain rests well and is able to record more information the next day.

Evaluate your memory

Take the test and see how your memory and ability to concentrate. This test consists of an image that must be observed for a moment and then you need to answer 12 questions regarding this image. Try it:

  • 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

Pay close attention!

You have 60 seconds to memorize the image on the next slide.

Start the test

60 Next15There are 5 people in the image?
  • Yes No
15Does the image have a blue circle?
  • Yes No
15Is the house in the yellow circle?
  • Yes No
15 Are there three red crosses in the image?
  • Yes No
15Is the green circle for the hospital?
  • Yes No
15Does the man with the cane have a blue blouse?
  • Yes No
15Is the cane brown?
  • Yes No
15 Does the hospital have 8 windows?
  • Yes No
15 Does the house have a chimney?
  • Yes No
15Does the man in the wheelchair have a green blouse?
  • Yes No
15Is the doctor with his arms crossed?
  • Yes No
15 Are the suspenders of the man with the cane black?
  • Yes No

Vitamin to improve memory

A good vitamin to improve memory is the strawberry with nut vitamin, because this vitamin takes milk that has tryptophan, an amino acid that improves brain performance and also helps to have a more peaceful sleep, essential for storing information. In addition, it has nuts that are rich in omega 3 and vitamin E which, because it is an antioxidant, decreases the aging of brain cells avoiding forgetfulness.


  • We have a wide range of products to choose from.

Method of preparation

Beat the milk and strawberries in a blender and add the nuts at the end.

Tomato juice is another good home remedy for memory because it has fisetin, which is a substance that improves brain function and reduces forgetfulness.

To learn more about foods that help improve memory, watch this video:

5 Tips to Improve Memory Fast