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See which prenuptial exams are for men and women


Some exams are advised to be done before the wedding, by the couple, in order to assess the health conditions, preparing them for the formation of the family and their future children.

Genetic counseling can be recommended when the woman is over 35, if there is a family history of intellectual disabilities or if the marriage is between cousins, and aims to check if there is any potential risk for pregnancy. However, the most recommended exams before marriage are:

1. Blood test

The CBC is the blood test that evaluates blood cells, such as red blood cells, leukocytes, platelets and lymphocytes, being able to indicate some change in the body, such as the presence of infections. Along with the blood count, serology may be requested to check for the presence or absence of sexually transmitted diseases, such as syphilis and AIDS, in addition to diseases that may harm future pregnancy, such as toxoplasmosis, rubella and cytomegalovirus. See what the blood count is for and how to interpret it.

2. Urine test

The urine test, also known as EAS, is performed to check if the person has any problems related to the urinary system, such as kidney diseases, for example, but mainly infections. Through urinalysis it is possible to check the presence of fungi, bacteria and parasites responsible for infections, such as what causes trichomoniasis, for example, which is a sexually transmitted disease. Know what the urine test is for and how to do it.

3. Stool examination

Stool examination aims to identify the presence of intestinal bacteria and worms, in addition to checking for signs of chronic diseases of the digestive tract and the presence of rotavirus, which is a virus responsible for causing diarrhea and strong vomiting in babies. Understand how the stool test is done.

4. Electrocardiogram

The electrocardiogram is an exam that aims to assess the activity of the heart, by analyzing the rhythm, speed and number of heartbeats. Thus it is possible to diagnose infarction, inflammation of the heart walls and murmur. See how it is done and what the electrocardiogram is for.

5. Complementary imaging tests

Complementary imaging tests are usually requested to check for the presence of changes in the organs, especially the reproductive system, and, in most cases, an abdominal or pelvic tomography or a pelvic ultrasound is requested. See what it is for and how ultrasound is performed.

Pre-nuptial exams for women

Pre-nuptial exams for women, in addition to those for the couple, also include:

  • Pap smear for cervical cancer prevention - Understand how the Pap smear is done; Transvaginal ultrasound; Preventive gynecological exams, such as colposcopy, which is a test used to assess the vulva, vagina and cervix - Find out how the colposcopy is performed.

Fertility tests can also be performed on women over 35, because with age, a woman's fertility decreases or on women who already know they have diseases that can cause infertility such as endometriosis. See which are the 7 main gynecological exams requested by the doctor.

Pre-nuptial exams for men

Pre-nuptial exams for men, in addition to those for the couple, also include:

  • Spermogram, which is the test that checks the amount of sperm produced by man - Understand the result of the spermogram; Prostate exam for men over 40 years old - Learn how the digital rectal exam is done.

In addition to these tests, there are others that the doctor can ask both women and men according to their personal and family history.

See which prenuptial exams are for men and women