Home Bulls Medicated cataracts: know what medications can cause

Medicated cataracts: know what medications can cause


The use of some medications can cause cataracts, as their side effects can affect the eyes, causing toxic reactions or increasing the sensitivity of the eyes to the sun, which can cause this disease to develop early.

However, it should not be forgotten that there are other more common causes that cause this disease, even in those who use these types of drugs, such as aging, excessive exposure to the sun, eye inflammation and diseases such as diabetes, high cholesterol and hormonal changes, for example. example.

Cataracts are the main cause of blindness that can be cured, being more common in the elderly. This disease is characterized by the opacification of the lens, a kind of lens of the eye, which causes gradual loss of vision, as light absorption and color perception are impaired. Understand more details about cataract symptoms and their main causes.

Some of the main remedies that can cause cataracts include:

1. Corticoids

Corticosteroids are widely used drugs to control immunity and inflammation in the body, however, their chronic use, for weeks, months or years in a row can cause several side effects, including cataracts.

About 15 to 20% of chronic users of corticosteroids, in eye drops or pills, as may be needed by people with diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, asthma or inflammatory bowel disease, for example, can develop cataracts.

Check out other side effects that chronic use of corticosteroids can cause to the body.

2. Antibiotics

Some antibiotics, such as Erythromycin or Sulfa, can increase the risk of developing cataracts, especially if used for a long period or frequently, and this is due to an increased sensitivity of the eyes to light, which promotes greater absorption of UV radiation. for the lens.

3. Remedies for acne

Isotretinoin, known by the trade name Roacutan, used to treat acne, causes great irritation and increased sensitivity of the eyes to light, which causes toxicity to the eyes and risk of changes in the lens.

4. Antidepressants

Some antidepressants, such as Fluoxetine, Sertraline and Citalopram, used to treat depression and anxiety, for example, can increase the risk of cataract development.

This effect is rare, but it can happen because these drugs increase the amount of serotonin in the brain, and the action of this substance on the lens can cause reactions that increase opacity and can lead to cataracts.

5. Remedies for high blood pressure

People who make continuous use of anti-hypertensive drugs such as beta-blockers, such as Propranolol or Carvedilol, for example, are more likely to develop cataracts, as they can stimulate the formation of deposits in the lens.

In addition, Amiodarone, a medication to control arrhythmia, can also cause this accumulation of deposits in the cornea, in addition to having a great irritating effect on the eyes.

What to do to prevent cataracts

In the case of using these medications, with medical recommendation, you should not stop their use, as they have important effects on the health of those who carry out the treatment. However, it is recommended to follow up with the ophthalmologist to monitor the vision and early detection of any changes in the eyes or risk of changes in vision.

In addition, other important attitudes that must be taken in daily life, to prevent cataracts, include:

  • Wear sunglasses, with lenses with UV protection, whenever you are in a sunny environment; Follow the correct treatment of metabolic diseases, such as diabetes and high cholesterol; Only use medications under medical guidance, both per pill and eye drops; Avoid smoking or drinking alcohol in excess; See your eye care professional annually for regular vision assessments and early detection of changes.

In addition, when the cataract has already developed, the ophthalmologist may recommend a surgical procedure to reverse it, in which the opaque lens is removed and replaced with a new lens, restoring vision. Learn more about how it is done and how to recover from cataract surgery.

Medicated cataracts: know what medications can cause