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6 Steps to Overcoming Anxiety


Anxiety is a feeling that happens to anyone and it is natural that it arises at certain times of the day. However, when worries are excessive and difficult to control, they begin to cause symptoms such as irritability, nervousness, tremors, difficulty sleeping and excessive tiredness.

Thus, when anxiety begins to interfere with the performance of daily activities, it is necessary to take measures to overcome this feeling.

Some simple measures are:

1. Breathe deeply

When bad thoughts start to appear in the mind and the symptoms of anxiety start, you need to stop the tasks a little and breathe calmly, deeply, inhaling slowly for five minutes, as this helps to calm and slow the heartbeat.

It is important to do this exercise either at work or at home, as this break can help reorganize the mind and help the body recover from the physical symptoms caused by anxiety.

2. Chat with others

When anxiety bothers and causes negative feelings, it is necessary to talk to family and friends, as sharing concerns can help strengthen relationships and, through this, solutions to problems may arise.

The exchange of experiences improves the feeling of loneliness and isolation, and talking with other people can help in the search for new solutions to problems.

However, when anxiety is more severe, it is necessary to seek help from a psychiatrist to recommend treatment with medications and psychotherapy sessions. Learn more about what psychotherapy is and how it is done.

3. Do aromatherapy

Aromatherapy is a natural technique that uses scents to activate parts of the brain that release substances that relieve anxiety. This type of treatment must be carried out with the knowledge of the doctor and under the guidance of a naturopath. Understand better how to do aromatherapy and what oils to use to reduce anxiety.

4. Practice wellness activities

Some activities can help the body release substances related to mood, sleep and well-being and, therefore, are indicated when symptoms of anxiety appear. Some examples include physical exercise, meditation, yoga, or just listening to music.

In addition, some natural extracts can stimulate physical and mental well-being like lemongrass, passionflower and kava-kava teas, just as maintaining a healthy diet rich in omega 3 foods can help to overcome anxiety. Know some foods indicated to fight anxiety.

5. Having a pet

Some studies point out that having a pet can improve symptoms of anxiety, improving the feeling of excessive stress and depression. The interaction between the person and the pet helps in coping with day-to-day problems and concerns.

In some cases, dogs are trained by training professionals to recognize when the owner is going to have an anxiety attack, but it is necessary to search for suitable training locations, as well as the most suitable breeds.

6. Sleep well

Deep sleep is important to decrease anxiety symptoms, as it restores the functions performed by the brain, helping in mental and physical recovery. In some cases, when the person has difficulty sleeping, it may be necessary to take a medication recommended by a general practitioner or even a psychiatrist.

However, it is possible to take some steps to have a deeper and longer sleep, such as creating a dark environment and exercising regularly. Here are some other tips on how to sleep well.

6 Steps to Overcoming Anxiety