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6 Main health benefits of walking


Walking is an aerobic physical activity that can be performed by anyone, regardless of the person's age and physical condition, and has several health benefits, such as improving the cardiovascular system, reducing symptoms of stress and anxiety, strengthening muscles and decreased swelling.

In order for it to have real health benefits, it is important that the walk is done regularly and is accompanied by good eating habits, as it is possible to stay healthy.

The main benefits of walking are:

1. Decreases swelling

Walking helps to reduce swelling in the legs and ankle, as it favors blood circulation and decreases fluid retention. However, for the swelling to be fought, it is important that the person drinks plenty of fluids during the day, has a healthy diet and practices walking regularly for at least 30 minutes. See more about fighting fluid retention and reducing swelling.

During pregnancy, walking is also indicated to reduce swelling of the feet at the end of the day. In addition, walking during pregnancy helps to relax, prevents weight gain and decreases the risk of pre-eclampsia and gestational diabetes, however the practice of walking should be guided by the obstetrician.

2. Prevents disease

Regular walks help to prevent some diseases, especially cardiovascular diseases, such as atherosclerosis and hypertension, obesity, type 2 diabetes and osteoporosis. This is because the various muscles are worked during physical activity, generating greater energy expenditure, in addition to promoting improved blood circulation.

Walking also promotes the integrity of veins and arteries, reducing the chance of fat deposition on the vessel wall, thus preventing atherosclerosis, in addition to improving cardiorespiratory capacity. In addition, walking is effective in preventing osteoporosis because it promotes increased bone density, preventing wear and tear over time.

For disease prevention to be effective through walking, it is important that the person has healthy eating habits, avoiding sweets, sugars and excess fat. Learn how to eat a balanced diet to lose weight.

3. Strengthens muscles

Muscle strengthening happens because with regular exercise, the muscles begin to capture more oxygen, increasing its efficiency. In addition, as walking is an aerobic exercise, there is the involvement of a group of muscles, which need to act together, which results in strengthening.

4. Improves body posture

As walking is a physical activity that involves several muscles and joints, regular practice can help to reduce pain and improve body posture.

5. Promotes relaxation

The relaxation promoted by walking is due to the release of hormones responsible for the feeling of well-being, especially endorphins and serotonins, during physical activity. These hormones act directly on nerve cells, and can combat psychological changes such as anxiety and stress, in addition to being able to promote relaxation of the neck and shoulders muscles, since this tension may be related to stress, for example.

6. Improves memory

It is believed that exercising regularly also improves memory, because physical activity stimulates greater blood circulation in the brain, favoring the production of catecholamines during exercise. In order to have this benefit, walking must be practiced daily, at a moderate pace and for about 30 minutes.

How to lose weight with walking

The walk can be done at any age and anywhere, such as at the gym, on the beach or on the street, for example. For walking to be healthy and burn calories it is important to walk fast, maintaining speed, so that breathing is accelerated and it is not possible to talk easily. In addition, it is recommended to contract the belly muscles simultaneously, in order to maintain the correct posture and swing the arms vigorously, as this gesture helps to improve blood circulation.

If done daily, the walk will contribute to weight loss and belly loss, and you can burn up to about 400 calories per hour and approximately 2.5 cm of belly per month. In addition, when done in a quiet place with a good landscape it can be a great treatment to control stress. Understand more about how walking helps you lose weight.

Is it good to walk fasting?

Fasting walking is not beneficial for health, as it can cause dizziness, nausea and fainting, as the person may not have enough blood sugar to walk. Thus, the ideal is to eat a light meal, with carbohydrates and fruit, such as cereal bread and fruit juice, for example, before exercise, avoiding too large meals so as not to feel uncomfortable.

Important precautions during the walk

It is important to take some precautions during the walk so that there are no injuries or situations that can compromise the person's well-being, being recommended:

  • Wear comfortable shoes and light clothes; Drink 250 mL of water for each hour of walking; Use sunscreen, sunglasses and a hat or cap to protect yourself from the sun; Avoid warmer times, such as between 11am and 4pm and very busy streets; Do stretching exercises before and after walking, such as stretching your legs and arms, to activate circulation and prevent cramps. Know what exercises to do.

This walk care helps to prevent health problems, such as injuries, dehydration, heat stroke or sunburn.

6 Main health benefits of walking