Home Bulls 9 Signs and symptoms that may indicate stomach cancer

9 Signs and symptoms that may indicate stomach cancer


Stomach cancer is a malignant tumor that can affect any part of the organ and is usually initiated by an ulcer, which generates symptoms such as heartburn, stomach pain, loss of appetite and weight loss, for example.

However, in most cases the cancer develops without causing any obvious symptoms and, therefore, ends up being diagnosed at a very advanced stage, when the chances of cure are already low. So it is important to be very attentive to the appearance of any symptoms that may alert you to this problem such as:

  1. Constant heartburn; Frequent belly pain; Nausea and vomiting; Diarrhea or constipation; Feeling of a full stomach after meals; Loss of appetite; Weakness and tiredness; Vomiting with blood or blood in the stool; Thinning without apparent cause.

These symptoms can be common to other health problems, such as a virus in the stomach or ulcer, and only the doctor can make the correct diagnosis and confirm the disease, through tests such as MRI and endoscopy with biopsy.

Who is more likely to have stomach cancer

The causes of stomach cancer are usually related to:

  • Infection in the stomach caused by Helicobacter Pylori bacteria; Excessive ingestion of preserved food by drying, smoking, salting or vinegar; Genetic reasons or due to a poorly maintained ulcer or chronic gastritis; Stomach surgeries; History of pernicious anemia, achlorhydria or atrophy gastric.

In addition, the disease is more common in people over 55 and affects men more. To prevent stomach complications, see also the symptoms of Chronic Gastritis.

How the diagnosis is made

The diagnosis must be made by a gastroenterologist and, usually, blood tests and endoscopy with biopsy are performed. In addition, CT, ultrasound and x-rays can be done to confirm the diagnosis.


How the treatment is done

The treatment of stomach cancer is treated in the same way as other types of cancer, that is, with radiotherapy, chemotherapy, and in some cases surgery to remove part of the stomach or the whole, according to the severity and, depending on the size, location and general condition of the person.

Stomach cancer has a cure, but it has a greater chance of cure when it is diagnosed early in the disease and is properly treated. Despite this, in some cases, there is always the possibility of metastasis to the liver, pancreas and other nearby body regions.

To avoid worsening stomach cancer, a healthy lifestyle should be adopted, opting for a diet rich in vegetables, eating fruits with every meal, not smoking, not consuming alcoholic beverages excessively and reducing food consumption as much as possible. pickled and sausages like sausages, ham, savory and bacon. Learn more at: Treatment for stomach cancer.

9 Signs and symptoms that may indicate stomach cancer