Home Pregnancy How to treat allergy in pregnancy

How to treat allergy in pregnancy


Allergies are very common in pregnancy, especially in people who usually suffer from allergies, and the symptoms may worsen during pregnancy due to the increase in hormones and changes that occur in the body, which can make the person more sensitive to allergens. In addition, dryness and elongation of the skin, along with other changes, can make the pregnant woman more susceptible to suffering from hives.

Although allergic symptoms can cause a lot of discomfort, the pregnant woman must be careful before taking any medication, and should talk to the doctor, in order to understand which ones are safer in pregnancy, since some of them can harm the baby.

Does allergy in pregnancy harm the baby?

Generally, the allergy is not dangerous for the baby, if properly treated. However, the symptoms of uncontrolled asthma can cause a decrease in the amount of oxygen in the baby's blood supply, so controlling asthma symptoms is very important to allow both to receive enough oxygen.

Are allergy drugs safe in pregnancy?

During pregnancy, medication intake should be avoided as much as possible. However, it is necessary to assess the benefits against the risks and, if the allergy symptoms start to affect the mother's appetite, sleep and emotional well-being, it may be necessary to resort to them.

In addition, rhinitis can worsen and progress to sinusitis and asthma, and in these cases, antihistamines can be beneficial in pregnancy. The antihistamines that are considered safer to use in pregnant women are chlorpheniramine, diphenhydramine and loratadine, however, they should only be used if recommended by the doctor. The use of decongestants is not recommended and, instead, the pregnant woman may choose to use saline solutions, to help decongest and wash the nose.

If more severe symptoms appear, which last for several days, it may be necessary to resort to nasal spray corticosteroids. Budesonide is considered the drug of choice for these situations, as it is the safest, but its use should be avoided as much as possible.

If the allergy manifests on the skin and the pregnant woman suffers from hives, before using medications, she can have a bath of oatmeal and lavender or a poultice of clay and aloe, which calm the irritation. Learn how to prepare these home remedies.

What to do to relieve symptoms

Before resorting to pharmacological treatment or even to complement it, the pregnant woman can take measures that can help to relieve symptoms, such as:

  • Avoid the causes that may be the cause of the allergy; Use daily saline solutions for washing the nose, which help eliminate allergens; Avoid contact with animals; Bathing and washing your hair when you arrive from the street, to eliminate allergens, such as pollen for example; Avoid cigarette smoke, strong smells and fumes, which can worsen symptoms; Avoid very hot baths; Do not wear clothes that are too tight and not made of cotton; Avoid scratching the affected area; Practice relaxation exercises to manage the stress.

In addition, food is also very important to help prevent allergies in pregnancy. It is believed that some fish oils can have a preventive effect, as well as the intake of fruits and vegetables, vitamins C, D, E and folate.

How to treat allergy in pregnancy