

Cotton is a medicinal plant that can be consumed in the form of tea or tincture for various health problems, such as the lack of breast milk.

Its scientific name is Gossypium Herbaceum and can be purchased at some health food stores or pharmacies.

What is the cotton for

Cotton serves to increase the production of breast milk, decrease uterine bleeding, decrease spermatogenesis, decrease the size of the prostate and treat kidney infection, rheumatism, diarrhea and cholesterol.

Cotton properties

The properties of cotton include its anti-inflammatory, antidisenteric, anti-rheumatic, bactericidal, emollient and hemostatic action.

How to use cotton

The cotton parts used are its leaves, seeds and bark.

  • Cotton tea: Put two tablespoons of cotton leaves to a liter of water, boiling for 10 minutes, strain and drink warm up to 3 times a day.

Cotton side effects

No side effects of cotton are described.

Contraindications of cotton

Cotton is contraindicated during pregnancy.
