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Drug treatment and natural tips for sjogren's syndrome


Treatment for Sjögren's syndrome is aimed at relieving symptoms and reducing the effects of dry mouth and eyes on a person's life, for a better quality of life, since there is no cure for this disease.

This syndrome is a chronic and autoimmune rheumatic disease, which causes inflammation and destruction of glands in the body, such as salivary and lacrimal glands, preventing natural tissue hydration. Learn to identify the main symptoms and how to diagnose Sjogren's syndrome.

Treatment options include:

1. Use of medicines

The drugs used to relieve the symptoms of this syndrome are prescribed by the rheumatologist, and some are:

  • Pilocarpine or Cevimeline, in tablet form, are useful to stimulate the functioning of the glands and to improve the symptoms of dryness; Artificial tears, gels or lubricating eye drops, such as Lacrima plus, Optive, Hylo gel and Fresh tears, for example, are used to reduce eye discomfort and avoid possible complications in the corneas; The prolonged-release tablet of lubricant and eye protector, based on hydroxypropyl-cellulose, can be placed on the lower eyelid and dissolves slowly throughout the day, used in more severe cases of dry eye; Propionic acid gel can be used to treat vaginal dryness; Simple analgesic and anti-inflammatory pills, such as Paracetamol, Ibuprofen or Naproxen, for example, are options for relieving symptoms such as pain in the body and joints, which may arise; Immunity-regulating medications, in pill or injectable, of the type corticosteroids and immunosuppressants, such as Dexamethasone, Hydroxychloroquine, Methotrexate, Azathioprine, Cyclophosphamide or Rituximab, are prescribed in cases of more severe presentations of the disease, such as arthritis, neurological symptoms or impairment of the lungs vessels blood and kidneys.

A procedure that can be done to increase the effect of artificial tears, maintaining its action for a longer time, is the occlusion of the tear duct, which blocks the small hole through which tears are drained from the eyes, through a simple procedure, guided by the rheumatologist and performed with a silicone plug or other material.

2. Natural treatment

There are several natural alternatives that can help relieve the symptoms of the person with Sjögren's syndrome, and some of the options are:

  • Drink water in small quantities, several times a day, to keep your mouth moist; Mouthwashes of water with drops of lemon or chamomile tea help to relieve dryness in the mouth; Consuming sugar-free chewing gums or xylitol lozenges are also good alternatives for maintaining mouth lubrication; Maintain the humidification of the environment, with humidifiers or use of damp cloths or aquariums, especially at night, inside the room; Diet rich in omega, such as eating fish, olive oil or flaxseed oil, as they help to relieve inflammation.

In addition it is important to always brush your teeth after meals, avoid the consumption of sugary foods, to prevent infections in the teeth and eyes, which are common in people with this syndrome, since bacteria can proliferate due to lack of lubrication.

3. Special daily care

Other guidelines that can be done on a daily basis to relieve symptoms are:

  • Avoid acidic drinks, such as sodas and energy drinks, or drinks with caffeine, as they increase the feeling of dryness; Wear glasses with side protection or wide lens because they prevent the evaporation of tears, by blocking the wind and ensuring more moisture to the eyes; Use moisturizing creams or lipsticks to reduce dryness on the lips; Remember to always blink your eyes, as it is common to forget during activities such as watching television or using the computer; Avoid environments with low humidity and excessive use of fans or air conditioning, smoke or dust; Avoid using excess makeup, as it may contain irritating substances to the eyes and face;

It is also important to discontinue the use of medications that cause dryness in the eyes and mouth, after evaluation with the doctor, such as some antihypertensives, anti-depressants or antihistamines.

4. Physical therapy treatment

Physiotherapy in Sjögren's syndrome is particularly important in cases of pain in the body, joints and arthritis, as hot and cold compress techniques are used to help deflame the joints, in addition to exercises to strengthen the muscles and increase joint amplitude.

Learn more about the benefits of physiotherapy to fight pain and relieve arthritis symptoms.

Treatment of the syndrome in pregnancy

It can happen that this syndrome is triggered during pregnancy, as it is a period of hormonal changes and important emotional implications. In these cases, natural treatment with oral and eye lubricants can be done normally, however, in more severe cases, not all remedies can be used, requiring regular monitoring and following the guidelines of the rheumatologist and obstetrician.

In addition, a woman who is already diagnosed with Sjögren's syndrome can become pregnant, however each case should be discussed with the rheumatologist and obstetrician, as in severe cases, there is a risk of worsening symptoms and some of the mother's autoantibodies. impair the baby's development.

It is also necessary to suspend or replace some of the medications in tablet or injectables, which can be harmful to the baby, such as corticosteroids and some immunosuppressants.

Drug treatment and natural tips for sjogren's syndrome