Home Home-Remedies How to prepare a relaxing bath for back pain

How to prepare a relaxing bath for back pain


A relaxing bath is a great home remedy for back pain, because hot water helps to increase blood circulation and promote vasodilation, in addition to contributing to muscle relaxation, relieving pain.

In addition, the use of Epsom salts also helps to reduce the inflammation that may be causing the pain and to relieve the stress and tension that aggravate back pain.

If even with these measures, the pain persists, it is recommended to consult the doctor to assess the cause of the pain and guide the appropriate treatment, which may involve the use of analgesics, for example. Check out 7 other natural tips to relieve back pain.

How to make the bath relaxing

To make the bath relaxing for back pain, just place a plastic bench in the bathtub, sit down, supporting your forearms on your legs and stretching your spine. Then, while the hot water from the shower falls down the back, one knee should be brought closer to the trunk and then the other, and then the trunk should be tilted to the right and then to the left, always respecting the pain limit.

For this bath to have a greater effect, let the hot water fall on the shoulders, doing the stretching exercises, for about 5 minutes.

How to prepare the bath with Epsom salts

Bathing with Epsom salt helps to decrease back pain as it relieves muscle tension, decreases pain, and helps to relax the nervous system.


  • 125 g of Epsom salt6 drops of lavender essential oil

Method of preparation

Put the Epsom salt in the bathtub water before starting the bath and then the lavender essential oil. Then, dissolve the bath salts in the bathtub and immerse your back in water for about 20 minutes.

Watch the video for another stretch that relieves back pain:

How to prepare a relaxing bath for back pain