
Syphilis in pregnancy can harm the baby, because when the pregnant woman does not undergo treatment there is a great risk of the baby getting syphilis through the placenta, which can develop serious health problems such as deafness, blindness, neurological and bone problems. Treatment of syphilis in ...
The main signs of dry or dehydrated skin are the loss of luminosity, becoming rough, giving the sensation of tightness. Causes of dry and dehydrated skin Some of the possible causes of dry and dehydrated skin are: Genetic factors; Aging; Menopause; Exposure to ...
Chromotherapy, also known as color therapy, is an alternative therapy where colors like blue, green and red are used to treat some problems. Learn more about each color
Although the syphilis wound disappears on its own, it does not represent a cure for the disease, but an increase in its severity. Learn how to cure syphilis.


Siilif is a medication launched by Nycomed Pharma that has Primavério Bromide as its active substance. This medication for oral use is an anti-spasmodic indicated for the treatment of stomach and intestinal problems. The action of Siilif occurs in the digestive tract and proves to be effective because ...
Signifor is a medicine that contains pasireotide diaspartate, a substance that is a copy of the natural hormone somatostatin, which has the action of blocking the release of ACTH. When this happens, blood cortisol levels decrease, relieving typical symptoms of ...
Sildenafil Citrate, also known as Viagra, Pramil or Sollevare, is indicated for the treatment of sexual impotence in men. Know how to take and what side effects
Chelated Silicon is a supplement for the skin, which has a regenerating and restructuring action, and must be taken twice a day, before meals.
Scimitar Syndrome is a rare disease and arises due to the presence of a pulmonary vein, shaped like a Turkish sword called a scimitar, which drains the right lung into the inferior vena cava instead of the left atrium. heart. The change in the shape of the vein ...
Silicosis is a respiratory disease caused by exposure to silica dust and is usually work related. See what are the symptoms of silicosis and how the treatment is done.
Aicardi Syndrome is a rare genetic disease that is characterized by the partial or total absence of the corpus callosum, an important part of the brain that makes the connection between the two cerebral hemispheres, convulsions and problems in the retina. The cause of Aicardi Syndrome is related to ...
Vaginal dryness is very common after menopause, but it can also happen before. See the reasons and what to do in each case.
Legalon is a medicine that contains Silymarin, a substance that helps protect liver cells from toxic substances. So, in addition to being used to treat some liver problems, it can also be used to protect the liver in people who ingest large amounts ...
Siluet 40 is a reducing gel of measures that also helps to fight cellulite, localized fat and combat sagging, because it has a toning action. This reducing gel is manufactured by the Genoma laboratory and can be found in pharmacies and drugstores in major cities. In the composition of this ...
Siluette is a food supplement composed of vegetable oils of palm and powdered oats that can be used to increase satiety, enhancing the effects of a healthy diet. This supplement is produced by Eurofarma laboratories and can be purchased at conventional pharmacies ...
Bartter's syndrome is a rare disease that affects the kidneys and causes the loss of potassium, sodium and chlorine in the urine. This disease decreases the concentration of calcium in the blood and increases the production of aldosterone and renin, hormones involved in the control of blood pressure. The cause of ...
Luftal is a medicine that has simethicone in its composition, indicated for the relief of excess gas, responsible for symptoms such as pain or intestinal colic. Learn how to use on baby, child and adult and who should not take
Women who think they may be pregnant but have experienced bleeding may have difficulty knowing whether it is an abortion or menstruation. See the signs and what to do in each situation.
What it is: Bloom syndrome is a rare genetic disease that is characterized by a failure in the number of chromosomes, caused by a mutation of the genes. Individuals with Bloom syndrome have photosensitivity and deficiencies in their immune system, which increases the likelihood of ...
Capgras Syndrome, or Capgras delusion, is a psychological disorder where the individual has the illusion that a friend, companion, family member or pets, have been replaced by look-alikes or supposed “impostors”. People with Capgras syndrome recognize the faces ...
Carpenter syndrome is a rare genetic disorder, which is among the group of acrocephalopolisindactilia disorders. Individuals with this syndrome are recognized by the flattened skull, peculiar face, shortening of the fingers and toes, which are usually glued to each other ...
Vasovagal syndrome is the most common cause of fainting, caused by stimuli to the vagus nerve in situations such as standing, heat or stress. it is not usually severe, but it deserves treatment due to the risk of falls and loss of quality of life. Know what to do to treat.
Diseases like rheumatoid arthritis can also affect the eyes, making them red and irritated. See how and when this can happen.
Syndactyly happens when one or more fingers, or toes, are born stuck together and can be caused by genetic and hereditary changes. The diagnosis is made by ultrasound during pregnancy or at birth. See more about the types of syndactyly and how the ...
Conn Syndrome is a rare disease that affects the adrenal glands, which are small triangular glands located above the kidneys, which leads to an excessive increase in the hormone aldosterone, increasing blood pressure. The overproduction of aldosterone causes sodium retention in ...
Pain in the uterus and the presence of constant discharge are signs that can indicate problems such as inflammation of the uterus, polyps or cancer.
What it is: Cockayne syndrome is a rare and inherited disease that usually leads children to death around 6 years of age. Cockayne syndrome is caused by genetic mutations that prevent patients from being exposed to sunlight, because when they come into contact with ...
In this disorder the woman is permanently excited and can have multiple orgasms every day, even without any sexual thoughts or actions.
Rigid person syndrome is an autoimmune disease that generates intense muscle stiffness and abrupt muscle contractions. Know the symptoms and treatment.
Aase syndrome, also known as Aase-Smith syndrome, is a rare disease that causes problems such as constant anemia and malformations in the joints and bones of various parts of the body. Some of the most frequent malformations include: Joints, fingers or ...
What it is: Genital Reduction Syndrome, also called Koro Syndrome, is a psychological disorder in which the person believes that his genitals are shrinking in size, which could result in impotence and death. This syndrome may be linked to disorders ...
Computer vision syndrome is a set of symptoms and problems related to vision that arises in people who spend a lot of time in front of the computer screen, tablet or cell phone. See what are the most common symptoms and how to relieve
Alport's syndrome is a rare genetic disorder that causes progressive damage to the kidneys, causing symptoms such as blood in the urine and high blood pressure. Check out other symptoms that help identify this disease and how it is treated
What it is: Angelman Syndrome is a genetic and neurological disease that is characterized by seizures, disconnected movements, intellectual retardation, absence of speech and excessive laughter. Children with this syndrome have a large mouth, tongue and jaw, a small forehead and usually ...
Antiphospholipid Antibody Syndrome is a rare autoimmune disease characterized by the ease of forming thrombi in veins and arteries, which can cause serious complications. See what is at the origin of this disease and what treatment options are available
Alagille syndrome is a genetic disease that causes heart, liver and kidney problems, among others. See the causes and treatment.
The smell of another person, fumes from the kitchen and even smoke from a cigarette can cause a serious allergy. See how the treatment is done.
What it is: Budd-Chiari syndrome is a rare disease characterized by the presence of large blood clots that cause the obstruction of the veins that drain the liver. Symptoms start suddenly and can be very aggressive. The liver becomes painful, the abdominal volume increases, ...