
What it is: The fecal occult blood test, also known as occult blood test, is a test that assesses the presence of small amounts of blood in the stool that may not be visible to the naked eye and, therefore, serves to detect the existence of minor bleeding in the tract ...


Sativex is a remedy based on Cannabis Sativa that can be used to treat muscle stiffness caused by multiple sclerosis, under medical advice.
The presence of bright red blood in the stool can be a sign of mild problems, such as hemorrhoids or more serious problems such as cancer. Know how to identify
The saxenda loses weight quickly because it is a medicine used to treat obesity. Know how to take it, where to buy it and who can use it.
Sarcoidosis is a disease characterized by inflammation of several organs, mainly the lung, eyes and skin. Understand what sarcoidosis is, symptoms and how diagnosis and treatment is made
What it is: Schwannoma, also known as neurinoma or neurilemoma, is a type of benign tumor that affects Schwann cells located in the peripheral or central nervous system. Generally, this tumor appears after 50 years of age, and may appear on the head, knee, thigh or ...
Secnidazole is a worm medicine indicated for the treatment of amebiasis, giardiasis and trichomoniasis, for example. See how to take


Serenus is a sleeping remedy that can be used on children and adults, as it uses a herbal medicine taken from herbs with calming medicinal properties, such as Passiflora, Adonis Vernalism and Biancospino. Serenus can be purchased at some drugstores, drugstores ...
Severe Combined Immunodeficiency Syndrome (SCID) encompasses a set of diseases present since birth, which are characterized by a change in the immune system, making it susceptible to the development of infections. Know the symptoms and how the treatment is done
Freckles are a genetic characteristic that causes the appearance of small dark brown spots. Here's how to lighten the freckles on your face.
Serrapeptase is an oral medication indicated for the treatment of bronchitis and other diseases of the respiratory system. This medication is an anti-inflammatory, which decreases purulent secretions, facilitating breathing and reducing edema. Indications for Serrapeptase Bronchitis; ...
Sertaconazole is a medication known commercially as Gyno-Zalain. This topical and vaginal medicine is an anti-fungal, indicated for the treatment of gynecological infections such as candidiasis or simple infections on the surface of the skin such as ringworm and athlete's foot.
Sityriasis is the equivalent of nymphomania in women and, therefore, causes excessive sexual desire in men. See the warning signs and what to do


Shot-B is a supplement with the B vitamins and Vitamins C and E and Guarana, which helps to increase energy and physical performance and prevents the appearance of vitamin deficiencies. Shot-B helps to strengthen the body with essential vitamins for its proper functioning and helps in ...
Sensitivity is caused by habits that damage the enamel and expose sensitive areas, such as brushing your teeth a lot. See others and what to do.
What it is: Multiple chemical sensitivity (SQM) is a rare type of allergy that manifests itself generating symptoms such as irritation in the eyes, runny nose, difficulty breathing and headache, when the individual is exposed to common everyday chemicals like new clothes, smell of ...


Sifrol is a drug indicated for the treatment of Parkinson's disease and whose active substance is Pramipexole. This oral medication acts on neurotransmitters and the central nervous system, decreasing the involuntary movements that characterize the disease. Indications of Sifrol ...
Sepurin is an antibiotic that contains methenamine and methylthionium chloride, which treat urinary tract infection and can be used until consultation with the doctor. See how to take and what side effects
Selene is a contraceptive that contains ethinyl estradiol and cyproterone acetate in its composition, being indicated for the treatment of acne, hirsutism and polycystic ovary syndrome. See how to take
The vaginal septum is a malformation of the vagina that can cause severe pain and missed periods. It is usually identified in adolescence and may need to be treated with surgery. Find out more about what it is and what its symptoms are.
Quetiapine is a medicine used to treat schizophrenia and bipolar disorder. See the indications and side effects of this remedy.


Serophene is indicated to treat the lack or failure of ovulation in women who want to become pregnant. Treatment should be done in cycles of 5 days.
Sertraline is an antidepressant remedy, indicated for the treatment of depression, even when accompanied by symptoms of anxiety, panic syndrome and some psychological disorders. This medicine can be purchased in conventional pharmacies, for a price of about 20 to 100 reais ...


Silomat is a medication that has Clobutinol as its active ingredient. This medication is indicated for the treatment of dry cough (without phlegm), acting directly on the central nervous system at the site that controls the cough reflex. The effect of the medication appears between 15 and 30 minutes after ...
Learn how to do capillary sealing at home, the necessary products and take all your doubts about this technique.
Shakes are good options for losing weight, but they should only be taken up to 2 times a day, because they cannot replace the main meals because they do not contain all the necessary nutrients for the body. Strawberry shake recipe This strawberry shake recipe for weight loss is great for ...


Simbrinza is a medication for glaucoma or eye hypertension in the form of eye drops. Brinzolamide or brimonidine tartrate are the main components of the medicine Simbrinza from the Novartis laboratory, which is used to reduce high intraocular pressure in patients with glaucoma ...


Simdax is a heart-stimulating medicine that has Levosimendan as its active substance. This injectable drug is indicated for the treatment of heart failure. Its action consists of increasing cardiac contractions to intensify the absorption of calcium by ...


Simeprevir is an antiviral medicine indicated for the treatment of hepatitis C, along with other medications such as Ribavirin. The mode of action of this medication consists of inhibiting the growth and multiplication of the hepatitis C virus, a chronic disease, leading to improvement of ...
Simethicone is a remedy used to treat excess gas in the digestive tract. It acts on the stomach and intestine, breaking the bubbles that retain the gases facilitating their release and therefore decreases the pain caused by the gases. Simethicone is known commercially as Luftal, ...
Check out the most suitable shampoos and see how to prepare a natural shampoo that is indicated to control the scalp oiliness and fight dandruff.
Sulfate-free shampoo does not foam and is an excellent option for dry, curly or curly hair. See the advantages and why to bet on this product.
Semen, also known as sperm, is a viscous, whitish liquid that is released by man at the time of ejaculation. Everyone knows its main function, but do you know how it is produced? what is its composition? why does it have a strange smell? and if it is safe to swallow?


Serotonin is a neurotransmitter that acts on the brain, regulating mood, sleep, appetite, heart rate, body temperature and sensitivity to pain. See how you can increase this hormone