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Can testicular cancer cure?


When discovered early, testicular cancer is curable, as its treatment is almost always effective. Testicular cancer can be cured even in cases where the disease has only been diagnosed at a more advanced stage, although in this case more treatment time is needed. Understand what testicular cancer is and how it is treated.

In the initial phase, the oncologist should choose to use only chemotherapy, which consists of the use of drugs that will try to prevent the replication of diseased cells, preventing the growth of the tumor. If this form of treatment is not well accepted and the tumor continues to grow, it is recommended that the patient also undergo radiation therapy.

If with these therapies the tumor continues to grow, the chances of it creating metastases will be greater and then the doctor may choose to remove the affected testicle through surgery. After this step, the doctor can place a prosthesis, a kind of ball inside the testicle so that the aesthetics are not impaired.

Life expectancy

Life expectancy depends on the patient's response to therapy, because in cases where the patient does not respond to therapy properly, there may be spread to other parts of the body and consequent proliferation, characterizing metastasis.

Testicular cancer can be easily treated, even in cases of metastasis, and can even reach a cure when diagnosed early. The patient's survival, which corresponds to life expectancy after diagnosis varies between 5 and 10 years. However, men who are diagnosed with this type of cancer usually survive longer due to advances in treatment techniques.

Life expectancy must be informed by the doctor and varies from patient to patient according to the degree of development of the disease, involvement of other organs, age, general health and response of the disease to treatment.

Can testicular cancer cure?