Home Bulls Cambendazole: Strongyloidiasis Remedy

Cambendazole: Strongyloidiasis Remedy


Cambendazole is an anthelmintic remedy capable of eliminating various types of intestinal worms, especially Ancylostoma caninum , Toxocara canis , Toxocara cati and Strongyloides stercoralis , being the medicine of choice in the treatment of strongyloidiasis.

This medicine can be purchased in conventional pharmacies under the trade name Cambem, however, it can also be associated with other substances, such as Mebendazole, to form a medicine with a broader spectrum of action against other types of worms, such as Tapeworm.


The price of Cambem can vary between 10 and 20 reais, depending on the form of presentation, since the drug can be purchased in the form of pills, for adults, or syrup, for children.

What is it for

Cambendazole is indicated for the treatment of chronic or disseminated strongyloidiasis and can be used after treatment with Tiabendazole, if it has not shown results against the disease.

How to take

The recommended dose varies according to the form of presentation and age, with general recommendations indicating:

Age Pills Syrup
2 to 6 years ---- 10 mL
7 to 12 years 1 tablet 20 mL
Over 12 years and adults 2 tablets ----

The dose should be taken during the meal and repeated 10 days later. In case of forgetfulness, the second dose should be taken as soon as possible.

Main side effects

Side effects are rare, however, the most common include stomach pain, nausea, diarrhea, excess intestinal gas, dizziness, headache, tiredness and drowsiness.

Who should not take

This medication should not be used by pregnant women, breastfeeding women, children under 2 years of age and people with allergies to cambendazole or any other component of the formula.

Cambendazole: Strongyloidiasis Remedy