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Is carboxytherapy for hair loss?


Capillary carboxitherapy consists of applying small injections of carbon dioxide (CO2) directly into the scalp to promote growth and also the birth of new hair strands. The technique increases blood flow improving local physiology, promoting hair growth, even in case of baldness.

Carboxitherapy is effective in hair growth, but when it is used in conjunction with intradermotherapy, which consists of the application of medications that stimulate hair growth and the use of medications such as Finasteride, the results are even better. Isolated carboxitherapy can be performed by a physiotherapist specialized in Functional Dermato, but intradermotherapy must be applied by a dermatologist.

Carboxitherapy can be indicated for men and women with thinning hair that characterizes alopecia or baldness. Alopecia can be classified as being androgenetic, areata, telogen effluvium, traumatic and use of chemicals, such as hair straighteners. Thus, it can be said that carboxitherapy is indicated to fight alopecia, but as it can be of emotional and genetic cause, the results may not be permanent. Learn all about hair loss and what else you can do.

How capillary carboxitherapy works

Carboxytherapy on the scalp works as follows: Carbon dioxide is injected directly into the scalp, which stimulates blood flow and consequently the arrival of oxygen in the region, forming a new vascularization of the area. This improves cell nutrition, eliminates toxins, and increases local metabolism, which stimulate the hair follicle and make hair grow back, stronger and thicker.

Results of carboxitherapy in hair loss

The results of capillary carboxitherapy can be seen, on average, from the 7th treatment session. After the 1st session, you should notice an improvement in the hydration of the hair and an increase in the resistance of the strands. After the 2nd session, you should notice the appearance of a small fluff in the area without hair and, from the 6th or 7th session onwards. you can notice the hair growing significantly.

It is recommended to perform the sessions every 15 days, simpler cases may require 5 to 6 sessions, but more serious cases may need more sessions, in addition to 1 maintenance session each year to maintain satisfactory results.

Does hair carboxitherapy hurt?

Due to the high sensitivity to scalp pain, it is recommended to use a topical analgesic approximately 30 to 40 minutes before the capillary carboxitherapy session.

Risks and contraindications

Capillary carboxitherapy has no health risks and is a safe and effective procedure. However, it should not be performed during pregnancy, in case of skin lesions on the spot, infarction and uncontrolled hypertension. Learn about other contraindications for carboxitherapy.

Is carboxytherapy for hair loss?