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Causes of rectal prolapse in adults


Rectal prolapse in adults happens mainly due to the weakening of the muscles that hold the rectum, which may be due to aging, constipation, excessive force to evacuate and intestinal infections, for example.

The treatment is done according to the cause of the prolapse, being normally indicated by the doctor the increase of the fiber consumption and the water intake, for example, to favor the natural return of the rectum.

Causes of rectal prolapse

Rectal prolapse in adults occurs more frequently in women over 60 years of age due to the weakening of the muscles and ligaments that support the rectum. The main causes of rectal prolapse in adults are:

  • Aging; Diarrhea; Cystic fibrosis; Constipation; Multiple sclerosis; Prostate enlargement; Excessive weight loss; Bowel malformation; Lack of rectal fixation; Neurological changes; Pelvic-lumbar trauma; Excessive effort to evacuate; Intestinal infections, such as amoebiasis or schistosomiasis.

The diagnosis of rectal prolapse is made by the general practitioner or coloproctologist by observing the region, making it possible to identify the presence of red tissue outside the anus. In addition, the diagnosis must be based on the symptoms described by the patient, such as abdominal pain, cramps, blood and mucus in the stools and a feeling of pressure and weight in the rectum, for example. Learn how to identify the symptoms of rectal prolapse in adults.

How to treat

Treatment for rectal prolapse is done according to the cause. When rectal prolapse is caused by excessive force to evacuate and constipation, treatment includes compressing the buttocks, increasing the consumption of fiber in the diet and the intake of 2 liters of water per day, for example, to promote entrance of the rectum.

In cases where rectal prolapse is not caused by constipation or an intense effort to evacuate, surgery to extract part of the rectum or fix it may be a solution. Understand how treatment is done for rectal prolapse.

Causes of rectal prolapse in adults