Home Bulls Cebion



Cebion is an oral medicine that has Vitamin C as its active ingredient.

This medicine is an Ascorbic Acid used in the treatment and prevention of several diseases that require a higher concentration of vitamin C in the body, as in the case of scurvy and colds and flu. It can also be used to increase the individual's energy in cases of pregnancy, lactation, sports activity or intense work.

Cebion, in addition to acting as a nutritional supplement strengthening the immune system, is essential for the formation of collagen.

Indications of Cebion

There is an increased need for vitamin C in the body in the following cases:

Fever states, chronic illnesses, infections, smokers, alcoholism, burns, chronic hemodialysis, continued stress, colds and flu, hyperthyroidism, pregnant or lactating women, disorders in the development of bones and teeth.

Side Effects of Cebion

Vomiting, nausea, excessive urination, diarrhea, heartburn.

Contraindications for Cebion

Pregnancy risk C, individuals with renal failure, hypersensitivity to any component of the formula.

How to use Cebion

Oral use


  • Effervescent Cebion (1g): Administer 2 to 4 tablets of effervescent Cebion daily. The tablet should be placed in water until it dissolves. Effervescent Cebion (2g): Administer 1 to 2 tablets of effervescent Cebion daily. The tablet should be placed in the water until it dissolves. Cebion Glucose: Add the contents of an envelope to the water and wait for the medicine to dissolve. Take an envelope a day.

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