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Can cluster headaches cure?


Cluster headache has no cure because it is not known exactly what is its cause and the medications used despite improving the intensity of pain and decreasing its frequency are unable to cease permanently.

The name cluster headache is due to the characteristic of the disease. Headache indicates headache and in cluster it means that it arises from time to time.

Common Questions

1. Can cluster headache lead to death?

No, despite being a disease that causes intense pain and that seems to have no solution, it does not lead to death and does not increase the risk of stroke or brain tumor because there is no scientific evidence for this.

2. Are only men affected?

The most affected are men, but some women have also been diagnosed with this disease but it is not yet known why it happens.

3. Does cluster headache harm the eye?

No, although the symptoms measure the ocular region, this is due to the dilation of blood vessels within the brain and in that region, but they do not affect vision.

4. What is the best treatment for cluster headache?

The best strategy to stop an episode of pain is to use a 100% oxygen mask directly on the nose and mouth for 8 minutes. The increase in cerebral oxygenation during this period leads to a decrease in the diameter of the blood vessels that occurs quickly with great pain relief.

However, this is usually only done in the hospital, but some people manage to have a bottle of medicinal oxygen to have at home, in times of crisis. In addition, during the day it is necessary to take the medications indicated by the neurologist.

5. Can children or pregnant women have cluster headache?

The first episode usually happens around the age of 30 and that is why children do not have this disease, or at least, they do not have symptoms in childhood or adolescence. Women are less affected and attacks rarely occur during pregnancy, but if this happens the only form of treatment will be to use oxygen because the drugs are contraindicated at this stage.

6. Do people in the same family also have cluster headaches?

No, apparently this disease is not hereditary and that is why it is only from father to son.

7. Can I retire due to cluster headache?

If the crises are very frequent, it is possible to retire due to this disease, but when the crises happen 1 or 2 times a year, the person can stay on work leave but not retire.

Can cluster headaches cure?