Home Bulls Ketamine



Ketamine is the active substance in general anesthesia known commercially as Ketamin.

This injectable drug is used before surgery so that the patient partially loses consciousness and becomes sedated. The action of Ketamine consists of decreasing the perception of pain, but without altering breathing and the functioning of vital organs.

Ketamine Indications

General anesthesia.

Ketamine Price

The 50 mg ketamine box containing 25 ampoules costs approximately 312 reais.

Side Effects of Ketamine

High pressure; increased heart rate; psychiatric reactions; mental confusion; delirium; dream: excitement; hallucination; irrational behavior; vivid images.

Ketamine contraindications

Pregnancy risk C; lactating women; Stroke; severe heart disease; myocardial infarction; cardiac insufficiency; high pressure; Hipersensibility to any of the formula's components.

How to use Ketamine

Injectable Use


  • Administer Ketamine of 500 mg / 10 ml for 60 seconds, via direct intravenous. This procedure should only be performed by specialized professionals.