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Discover ways to naturally reduce your nose


The shape of the nose can be changed without plastic surgery, just with makeup, use of a nose shaper or through an aesthetic procedure called bioplasty. These alternatives can be used to narrow the nose, lift the tip or correct the top of the nose more protruding and are much more economical than conventional plastic surgery, in addition to not causing pain and not needing special care, giving the expected result.

These techniques are great to be used by young people and teenagers who are not yet old enough to perform the surgical procedure, with surprising results and, depending on the chosen technique, lasting results.

The surgical procedure for nose remodeling is called rhinoplasty and is done both to improve the person's breathing and for aesthetic purposes and corresponds to a painful process and whose recovery is long and delicate. See what are the indications of rhinoplasty and how is the recovery.

The three procedures for improving nose contour without surgery are:

1. Use of nose shaper

The nose shaper is a kind of 'plaster' that must be placed daily so that the nose takes the desired shape and can be used to narrow the nose, reduce the length, remove the curve at the top of the nose, correct the tip, decrease the nostrils and correct the deviated septum.

In order to have the desired result, it is recommended that the nose model is used for about 20 minutes a day, and the results can be observed after 2 to 4 months of use.

2. Nose bioplasty

Nose bioplasty is a technique that corrects small flaws, such as the curve at the top of the nose, through the use of substances such as polymethylmethacrylate and hyaluronic acid, which are applied with a needle to the deepest layers of the skin to fill and correct the nose flaws. See what bioplasty is and how it is done.

The result of this technique can be temporary or definitive, depending on the substance used in the filling, and during the procedure only local anesthesia is used. In addition, the patient can resume normal activities soon after the procedure, as the nose is only slightly swollen for about 2 days.

3. Makeup

Makeup is the easiest way to sharpen your nose, however the results are temporary. To tune your nose with makeup, you must first prepare the skin with the primer, base and concealer. Then, apply concealer and foundation of at least 3 shades above the skin tone on the nose outline, that is, from the inner part of the eyebrow to the sides of the nose.

Then, spread the base and concealer with the help of a brush with soft bristles and make sure that there is no marked region, that is, that the skin is uniform. Then, make a triangle in the region below the eyes with a pearly shadow or a lighted one and blend the spot, as well as blend the tip of the nose and the frontal region of the nose, which is the part of the bone.

To finish the make-up and give a more natural look to the finely tuned nose, you should apply a skin tone powder, but it should not be applied so hard as not to undo the light effects that were previously done.

Discover ways to naturally reduce your nose