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How colorful eating can improve health


To improve your health it is recommended to eat colorful foods at every meal, because they are sources of vitamins, minerals and fibers that guarantee the proper functioning of the body. The colors in the food represent different nutrients and each color brings benefits such as preventing cardiovascular disease and cancer, in addition to improving bone, skin and intestine health.

To have a colorful diet, at least half of the dish must consist of vegetables and fruits, and fruits must be present in desserts and snacks. See below the benefits that each color brings to the body.

Yellow and orange skin foods

Yellow and orange foods have this color due to substances called carotenoids, which are anti-oxidants, and are rich in vitamins A, C and E. Some examples of these foods are orange, carrot, pineapple, corn, pumpkin, papaya, tangerine and sweet potato. These foods bring health benefits such as:

  • Prevention of cardiovascular diseases; Cancer prevention; Vision protection; Antiallergic action; Maintenance of skin and hair health.

The orange foods also help to maintain the tan, because they stimulate the production of melanin, pigment that gives color to the skin. See how to ensure the tanning of the skin even without sunbathing.

Green foods for anemia

Green foods have this color due to chlorophyll, and have anti-oxidant and detoxifying properties, in addition to being rich in fiber. These foods are rich in calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, iron, zinc and vitamins A, C, E and K, and their main representatives are lettuce, spinach, kale, broccoli, watercress, green peppers, cucumber, coriander, kiwi and avocado. The health benefits of these foods are:

  • Prevention and combat of anemia; Prevention of osteoporosis; Prevention of cancer; Improved control of diabetes; Reduction of blood pressure; Reduction of cholesterol.

To enhance the absorption of iron in the intestine, foods rich in iron should be eaten together with a source of vitamin C, such as yellow foods. See 3 tricks to enrich foods with iron.

White bone foods

White foods contain polyphenols, calcium, potassium and magnesium, and their light color is due to a substance called flavin. This group includes potatoes, onions, garlic, mushrooms, cauliflower, leeks, yams, turnips, soursop, bananas and pears. These foods contribute to health through:

  • Formation and maintenance of bones; Prevention of cardiovascular diseases; Prevention of cancer; Good functioning of muscles, including the heart; Strengthening of the immune system.

Although white foods are little remembered when talking about colorful food, they should always be present in a healthy meal.

Yellow and orange foods

Green food

White foods

Red foods to detoxify

Red foods are rich in lycopene, antioxidant and responsible for the reddish color, and anthocyanin, which helps in controlling diabetes. Examples of red foods are strawberries, pepper, tomatoes, apples, raspberries, cherries and watermelons. Its health benefits are:

  • Improved blood circulation; Cancer prevention; Elimination of toxic substances to the body; Prevention of tiredness and depression; Hydration and blood pressure control.

The amount of lycopene increases with increasing temperature, which is why tomato sauces are excellent sources of this antioxidant. Discover other benefits of tomatoes.

Purple foods for the heart

Purple foods are rich in iron and B vitamins, as well as antioxidants and fiber. The main foods in this group are açaí, grape, plum, blackberry, purple sweet potato, red onion, red cabbage and eggplant. The health benefits of these foods are:

  • Cholesterol control; Prevention of cardiovascular diseases; Prevention of premature aging.

Resveratrol, an antioxidant found in the seeds and skin of grapes, is also present in red wine. The health benefits of wine are obtained when the intake is regular and in small quantities, about 1 glass per day. Learn more about the health benefits of wine.

Brown foods for the intestine

Brown foods are rich in fiber, good fats, selenium, zinc and B vitamins. This group includes beans, peanuts, nuts, nuts, cinnamon, oats and whole foods, such as brown rice. In our body, these foods have the action of:

  • Intestinal regulation and prevention of constipation; Control of cholesterol and diabetes; Prevention of cardiovascular diseases; Prevention of cancer; Strengthening of the immune system.

Whole foods, being rich in fiber, are great for regulating intestinal transit. See 3 homemade tips to treat stuck intestines.

Red food

Purple foods

Brown foods

Organic foods have the advantage of not containing pesticides and preservatives, making them ideal for consumption with peels and for children. Frozen vegetables and fruits also maintain their nutrients and are practical options for day-to-day life, as long as they have no preservatives in their composition, which can be checked through the ingredients described on the label.

If you don't like fruits and vegetables, see in the video below what to do to try and start enjoying these foods.

How colorful eating can improve health