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How to fight fever and pain after the vaccine


Fever, headache, swelling or redness at the site are some of the most common side effects of vaccines, which can appear up to 48 hours after their administration. Often, these side effects are more noticeable in children, often leaving them irritated, restless and tearful.

In most cases, the symptoms manifested are not severe and last between 3 to 7 days, without the need for medical help. However, there are ways to relieve these symptoms, which can be done at home.

How to relieve the most common symptoms

Some of the most common symptoms, such as fever, redness and local pain, can be relieved as follows:

1. Redness, swelling and pain at the site

After applying the vaccine, the arm or leg region may be red, swollen and hard, causing pain when moving or touching. These symptoms are common and are generally not a cause for concern, even if they cause a little discomfort and limit movement for a few days.

What to do: To relieve these symptoms, it is recommended to apply ice to the vaccine site for 15 minutes, 3 times a day until the symptoms disappear. The ice must be covered with a diaper or cotton cloth, so that the contact is not direct with the skin.

2. Fever or headache

After the application of a vaccine, low fever may appear for 2 or 3 days. In addition, headaches are also common in these cases, especially on the day the vaccine was administered.

What to do: To reduce fever and headache, antipyretic and analgesic medications prescribed by the doctor, such as paracetamol, can be taken to help relieve fever and pain. These remedies can be prescribed in the form of syrup, drops, suppository or tablets, and the recommended doses should be indicated by the pediatrician or general practitioner. Find out how to take each of them.

3. Unwell and tired

After the application of a vaccine, it is normal to feel unwell, tired and drowsy, in addition to gastrointestinal changes such as feeling sick, diarrhea or poor appetite.

In the case of babies or children, these symptoms can be manifested through constant crying, irritability and lack of desire to play, and the baby may also be drowsy and without appetite.

What to do: To alleviate the malaise it is necessary to eat light foods throughout the day, such as vegetable soup or cooked fruit, for example, always drinking plenty of water throughout the day to ensure hydration. In the case of the baby, one should choose to give small amounts of milk or porridge to avoid indisposition. Sleep also helps you to recover more quickly, so it is recommended to rest a lot during the 3 days after taking the vaccine.

When to go to the doctor

When the fever lasts for more than 3 days or when the pain and redness in the area does not go away after about a week, it is recommended to consult the doctor, as there may be other causes for the symptoms manifested, which may need appropriate treatment.

In addition, when the child is unable to eat well after 3 days, it is also recommended to consult the pediatrician, who will assess the reasons for the lack of appetite.

In the most severe cases, side effects caused by the vaccine can include anaphylactic shock, itching and pellets on the skin or swelling in the neck, prompt medical attention being indicated. These symptoms are often caused by a severe allergy to any of the components of the vaccine.

Although side effects may arise in some people after taking vaccines, this should not be a reason for the person not to be vaccinated. Watch the following video and understand the importance that vaccination has for health:

How to fight fever and pain after the vaccine