Home Symptoms What to do to strengthen the immune system

What to do to strengthen the immune system


To strengthen the immune system, preventing the development of some diseases and helping the body to react to those that have already manifested, it is important to eat more foods rich in vitamins and minerals, reduce the consumption of fat, sugar and industrialized sources, with dyes and preservatives, and it may be indicated to take drugs or supplements that increase immunity.

But, following a healthy lifestyle is also one of the best strategies to keep the body's natural defense system always strong and efficient and that is why it is recommended not to smoke, eat healthy food, practice light or moderate physical exercises on a regular basis, have adequate weight, sleep 7 to 8 hours a night, avoid stress and consume alcohol in moderation. These habits must be followed by everyone throughout life, not only at times when the person is ill or easily ill.

Foods that boost the immune system

Foods that weaken the immune system

Foods that boost immunity

Foods rich in selenium, zinc, vitamins C and E, and probiotics and rich in omega 3 are best suited to boost immunity because they favor the ideal setting for the body to produce defense cells more efficiently. Some examples are:

  • Selenium: Brazil nuts, wheat, rice, egg yolk, sunflower seeds, chicken Zinc: oysters, shrimp, beef, chicken and fish, liver, wheat germ, whole grains, nuts Vitamin C: orange, tangerine, pineapple, lemon, strawberry Vitamin E: sunflower seeds, hazelnut, peanut, almond Probiotics: natural yogurt and fermented milk, type Kefir or Yakult Omega 3: sardines, salmon, tuna and flaxseed

The person who needs to strengthen his immune system must consume a greater amount of these foods, on a daily and regular basis, not only when he is already ill, but to prevent him from becoming ill again. Check out more foods that boost immunity in this video:

Remedies to boost immunity

A good way to improve the body's immunity naturally is to take a food supplement in the form of capsules, which can be purchased at pharmacies, drugstores or health food stores. Some examples are bovine colostrum, astragalus seeds, perilla seed oil, and propolis extract.

Although they can be bought without a prescription it is good to take with the knowledge of the doctor, because taking supplements in an exaggerated way can be harmful to health.

How to increase immunity quickly

To increase immunity quickly, making the body stronger in the fight against aggressive agents, you must:

  • Adopt good health habits, not being close to those who smoke, sleeping properly, avoiding stress; Exposing yourself to the sun in the morning, without sunscreen, to be able to produce vitamin D; Consuming healthy foods, and fruits and vegetables, preferably organic or produced at home without pesticides; Avoid as much fast food and processed foods as possible; Take a food supplement to stimulate immunity; Do not take medicines without medical knowledge; Improve intestinal health, fighting constipation; Drink about 2 liters of mineral or filtered water every day.

In addition, it is also important to avoid closed public places, such as shopping malls, theaters and cinemas, where there is less air circulation, and more likely to develop viruses and bacteria that may seem harmless to most of the population, but that can cause serious complications in those with the weakest immune system.

How to increase the immunity of the baby and children

The best way to strengthen the baby's immune system is by investing in breastfeeding, healthy and diversified food from 6 months of life onwards, vaccinating the baby at the times indicated by the pediatrician and having good health habits, such as not smoking near the baby and the baby. child, and only give antibiotic drugs when indicated by the pediatrician. In this way the baby's body can find everything it needs to produce more defense cells, which are able to fight and overcome pathogens, such as viruses, fungi and bacteria.

Recipes that strengthen the immune system

Betting on natural fruit juices, teas and vitamins prepared with fruits and vegetables is also a good way to boost immunity. Some good recipes are:

1. Beet juice with carrots


  • 2 slices of raw beets 1/2 raw carrots 1 orange with pomace 1 coffee spoon of powdered ginger 1/2 glass of water

Method of preparation

Beat all the ingredients in a blender or mixer and take next, preferably without adding sugar or straining.

2. Banana smoothie with nuts


  • 1 frozen banana1 slice of papaya1 spoon of powdered cocoa1 package of unsweetened natural yogurt1 handful of nuts 1 Brazil nut1 / 2 spoon of honey

Method of preparation

Beat all the ingredients in a blender or mixer and take next.

3. Echinacea tea


  • It is a great way to add flavor and flavor to your dishes.

Method of preparation

Place 1 teaspoon of the echinacea root or leaves in a cup of boiling water. Let stand for 15 minutes, strain and drink 2 times a day.

Check out more examples of home remedies to boost immunity naturally.

Causes of low immunity

Some situations that can cause the weakening of the immune system are poor diet, poor hygiene habits, not being vaccinated when necessary, and smoking. In addition, during pregnancy it is normal for the immune system to fall, which occurs naturally in all women, as a way to prevent the mother's body from rejecting the baby, and during treatment against cancer or the HIV virus.

People who have a syndrome or other illnesses like lupus or malnutrition also naturally have a less efficient defense system and become ill frequently. The use of certain medications, such as corticosteroids, immunosuppressants used in the case of organ transplants, during treatment for cancer or with the prolonged use of some anti-inflammatory drugs, such as Dipyrone, also decrease the body's immunity.

The immune system is composed of the white portion of the blood, responsible for the production of antibodies whenever the organism is exposed to some foreign body, such as viruses or bacteria. However, the defense mechanism can also be considered to be composed of the skin itself and the acidic secretion of the stomach, which often neutralizes the microorganisms present in food, preventing them from developing inside the human body.

What characterizes a weakened immune system is the increase in the number of times that the person becomes ill, presenting flu, colds and other viral infections such as herpes, very often. In this case, it is likely that your body is not able to produce defense cells efficiently, which facilitates the onset of diseases. In this case, in addition to being routinely ill, the person may have symptoms such as tiredness, fever, and simple diseases that worsen easily, such as a cold that turns into a respiratory infection, for example. See more symptoms that indicate low immunity.

What to do to strengthen the immune system