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Benefits of cashews and how to use


The cashew nut is the fruit of the cashew tree and is an excellent ally of health because it is rich in fats good for the heart and in minerals such as magnesium, iron and zinc, which prevent anemia and improve the health of the skin, nails and of the hair.

In addition to preventing heart problems, the chestnut also helps prevent cancer and premature aging due to its antioxidant power. It should be consumed in small quantities, from 5 to 20 units a day, and can be used in snacks, salads or as an ingredient in other preparations, such as cakes and cookies.

Benefits of cashew nuts

The benefits of cashew nuts are due to the presence of important nutrients for the health of the body, such as:

  1. Prevention of heart disease, prevention of cancer and premature aging because it is rich in anti-oxidants and anti-inflammatories such as selenium and vitamin E; Improved cholesterol and memory, due to its mono and polyunsaturated fats; Reduced blood pressure, body aches, headache, migraine and muscle fatigue because it is a good source of magnesium; Strengthening of the immune system, because it contains zinc; Prevention of osteoporosis, because it contains phosphorus that helps in the absorption of calcium and is present in bone composition; Prevention and treatment of anemia, because it is rich in iron; Maintenance of skin and hair color, because it contains copper.

Despite its benefits, cashew nuts You can buy cashew nuts in supermarkets, at the fair and in health food stores. See also the benefits of consuming nuts.

Nutritional information for cashew nuts

The table below shows the nutrients found in 100 g of cashew nuts.

Components Quantity per 100 g
Calories 570 kcal
Proteins 18.5 g

46.3 g

Carbohydrate 29.1 g
Fiber 7.9 g
Magnesium 237 mg
Phosphor 594 mg
Iron 5.2 mg
Zinc 4.7 mg

It is important to remember that the ideal is to eat the chestnut without adding salt. The Brazil nut is another food from the oilseed group, as well as peanuts and almonds, which are sources of good fats for the heart, know its benefits: Brazil nuts.

How to include cashews in the diet

Cashew nuts can be included in snacks along with foods such as fruits and yogurts, in addition to being able to be added to salads and recipes such as cakes, breads, crackers, low carb farofas and in pastry pies.

The chestnut can also be crushed or already acquired in the form of flour to be used in recipes.

Cashew Nut Bread Recipe

Because it is a food rich in good fats, the cashew nut is a great option to help you lose weight and can compose low carb diets. Here's how to make a delicious brown bread with this chestnut:


  • 1 1/2 cup of cashew nut flour1 tablespoon of flaxseed flour 1 shallow teaspoon of salt1 / 2 teaspoon of baking soda1 tablespoon of sunflower seed2 tablespoons of cashews chopped3 beaten eggs2 tablespoons of honey1 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar1 tablespoon of fresh herbs such as rosemary and thyme butter to coat

Method of preparation:

Mix all ingredients except eggs. In another container, beat the eggs well with a fork and add to the other ingredients. Pour the mixture into a rectangular shape for greased bread, and place in a preheated oven at 180ÂșC for about 30 minutes.

Benefits of cashews and how to use