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What to do to freeze your vegetables


Freezing vegetables is a good alternative for storing these foods for longer and maintaining their nutrients. When frozen properly, vegetables last an average of 6 months, and spices like garlic and onions, 1 month.

Freezing vegetables is useful to take advantage of leftovers or seasonal vegetables, in addition to facilitating the preparation of salads and quick meals. Some examples of vegetables that can be frozen are carrots, broccoli, beets and peppers.

Types of freezing and forms of consumption

The type of freezing is specific to each vegetable, as some need to be frozen raw, while others need to be cooked or blanched. Likewise, after defrosting some vegetables can only be used cooked or sautéed.

Thus, the table below indicates how to prepare some vegetables for freezing and how they can be used after defrosting.

Frozen Food To freeze Culinary preparation
Onion, parsley Wash and mince Salads or food preparation
Basil Scalding Salads or sauces
Carrots, peppers, green beans, broccoli, spinach Washing, cutting and scalding

Braised salads, soups or meat stews

Potato, sweet potato, pumpkin, mandioquinha Washing, cutting and scalding Boiled, baked goods, soups, purees or chips
Tomato To wash Meat sauces or stews
Beet Wash and blanch Stews or soups
Eggplant Washing, cutting and scalding Sauteed salads or soups
Cabbage, zucchini, turnip Washing, cutting and scalding Braised salads, soups, stews or meat stews
Bean Cook and freeze with broth Season and heat until boiling
Corn, peas Wash and blanch Sauteed salads, sauces or meat stews

The following is a list of steps to properly freeze vegetables.

How to prepare vegetables for freezing

  • Buy good quality fresh vegetables; Remove the inedible peels and wash the vegetables well; Cut the vegetables in the way you prefer to use them later, for example in cubes or slices.

What to do to be able to freeze longer

After preparing the vegetables, it is necessary to scald and then give a thermal shock so that they do not spoil and so that the color and nutrients are maintained during the freezing time. This procedure is also called bleaching, and to do so, you must:

  • Place the vegetables for about 30 seconds to 2 minutes in boiling water; Remove the vegetables from the water and place them in a bowl with water and ice; Dry the vegetables on a clean cloth.

Freezing vegetables with excess water will leave them with a softer texture after thawing.

Cut the vegetables for freezing

Store in bag with name and date

How to pack

The vegetables can be packed in freezer bags or in a plastic or glass container with a lid. At this stage, the following precautions must be taken:

  • Pack only the amount that will be used later, as the vegetables stick together during freezing; Remove all the air from the freezing bag and close tightly; for other foods from the freezer.

Frozen vegetables accumulate water and are no longer crunchy like when they are fresh, so ideally, they should be used in cooked or roasted preparations.

How to freeze spices and herbs

The process of freezing vegetables used as spices, such as onions, garlic, basil and rosemary, includes washing, slicing and drying well before packing for freezing, without the need for a thermal shock step. It is important to highlight that the seasoning drying process must be very well done, as freezing the herbs that are still moist will make them not look good after freezing.

Another way to freeze the herbs is to put them in ice forms and fill with water or oil, removing the cubes according to the need for use. See also How to freeze fruit pulp.

Wash and cut the herbs

Store in container with lid

How to defrost vegetables, spices and herbs

Vegetables should be defrosted before use, and the best way to defrost is to place them in the refrigerator the day before use. If you want to defrost faster, put the vegetable bag in cold water.

Seasonings in the form of leaves, such as basil and parsley, can be added crushed while still frozen, squeezing the bag where they were kept. They can also be added directly to preparations with water, such as soup and beans, but onions and garlic, for example, need to be defrosted before use.

What to do to freeze your vegetables