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How to freeze fruit pulp


Freezing fruit pulp to make juices and vitamins is a good alternative to store the fruit for longer and maintain its nutrients. When properly frozen, the fruits last for about 6 months.

Freezing the fruits can be useful to enjoy the fruits of the season in another season or to avoid frequent trips to the supermarket. Some examples of fruits that can be frozen are orange, passion fruit, soursop, watermelon, strawberry and apple. However, frozen bananas are not good for making vitamins, as they are creamy when beaten in a blender, but they can be a good option as a natural fruit ice cream. See also: How to freeze vegetables.

Steps to freeze fruit pulp

To properly freeze the fruit pulp, it is important to:

1. How to prepare the fruit for freezing

  • Choose fresh, good quality food, without "bruises"; Wash the fruit well and remove seeds, lumps and peels; Grind the fruit in a blender or processor, preferably with a plastic blade to prevent oxidation of vitamin C.

2. How to freeze the fruit pulp

  • Pack in a plastic bag: use a bag for freezing and put only the amount that will be used to make juices or vitamins later, as the fruit pulp should not be refrozen. All the air must be removed from the plastic bag, as the air favors the loss of vitamin C; In ice forms: place the fruit pulp in the ice forms, remembering not to fill the entire mold, as the fruit pulp increases volume when it freezes. In this case, avoid placing ice forms close to meat or fish to prevent the smell or blood from contaminating the fruit pulp.

3. How to use frozen pulp

  • Right after removing the pulp from the freezer it can already be used to make juices or vitamins; Beat the blender with water or milk.

Fruit pulp in freezing bag

Fruit pulp in ice forms

Put a tag with the date of freezing on the sachets or write it on a note on the refrigerator door, so that it is easy to control the validity of the pulp that was frozen. In fruits that darken over time such as the apple, add a spoonful of lemon juice to the pulp that will be frozen, this helps to maintain the color of the fruit even after freezing.

See also how to use food to improve health:

How to freeze fruit pulp