Home Symptoms How to care for a child with high blood pressure

How to care for a child with high blood pressure


In order to care for a child with high blood pressure, it is important to assess blood pressure at least once a month at the pharmacy, during consultations with the pediatrician or at home, using a pressure device with the infant cuff.

Generally, children who are more likely to develop high blood pressure have sedentary habits and are overweight and, therefore, must undergo a dietary re-education accompanied by a nutritionist and practice some physical exercise, such as swimming, for example.

Normally, symptoms of high blood pressure in children are rare, with constant headache, blurred vision or dizziness only appear in more advanced cases. Therefore, parents should assess the child's blood pressure in order to keep it below the maximum recommended values ​​for each age, as shown in some examples in the table:

Age Boy height Blood pressure boy Height girl Blood pressure girl
3 years 95 cm 105/61 mmHg 93 cm 103/62 mmHg
5 years 108 cm 108/67 mmHg 107 cm 106/67 mmHg
10 years 137 cm 115/75 mmHg 137 cm 115/74 mmHg
12 years 148 cm 119/77 mmHg 150 cm 119/76 mmHg
15 years 169 cm 127/79 mmHg 162 cm 124/79 mmHg

In the child, each age has a different value for ideal blood pressure and the pediatrician has more complete tables, so it is recommended to have regular consultations, especially if the child is overweight for their age or complains about any of the symptoms related to high blood pressure.

Find out if your child is within the ideal weight at: How to calculate child BMI.

What to do to control high blood pressure in children

To control high blood pressure in children, parents should encourage a balanced diet, so that the child has an appropriate weight for their age and height. So it is important:

  • Remove the salt shaker from the table and decrease the amount of salt in the meals, replacing it with aromatic herbs, such as pepper, parsley, oregano, basil or thyme, for example; Avoid offering fried foods, soft drinks or processed foods, such as canned or sausages; Substitute treats, cakes and other types of sweets by seasonal fruit or fruit salad.

In addition to feeding for high blood pressure, the practice of regular physical exercise, such as cycling, hiking or swimming, is part of the treatment to control blood pressure in children, encouraging them to participate in activities that they enjoy and preventing them from getting too much. time on the computer or playing video games

How to treat blood pressure in children

Medicines to treat high blood pressure in children, such as Furosemide or Hydrochlorothiazide, for example, should only be used with a medical prescription, which usually happens when the pressure does not regulate after three months of care with food and exercise.

However, a balanced diet and regular physical activity should be maintained even after achieving the desired results because it is related to good physical and mental development.

See also how to take care of the child with diabetes in: 9 tips for taking care of the child with diabetes.

How to care for a child with high blood pressure