Home Symptoms Bladder catheter: what care should be taken

Bladder catheter: what care should be taken


The main steps to take care of someone who is using a bladder catheter at home are: change the catheter according to the manufacturer's instructions, empty the collection bag and always check that the catheter is not clogged. Taking these precautions with the bladder tube helps to prevent urinary tract infections and increases comfort.

Normally, the bladder probe is inserted into the urethra to treat urinary retention, in cases of benign prostatic hypertrophy, or in the postoperative period of urological and gynecological surgeries, to prevent bladder filling and to speed recovery. See when it is indicated to use a bladder probe.

What to do to speed recovery

In order to speed up recovery and decrease the time spent with a bladder catheter, in the case of a temporary catheterization, it is important to always keep the catheter and the collection bag clean, as well as the genitals clean, to avoid a urinary infection, for example. example.

In addition, it is essential to observe if the urine remains yellow and without clots of urine, because if it is altered (pink, brown or green) it can be a sign of complications that must be immediately informed to the doctor to avoid prolonging the use of urinary catheter.

See what can cause urine color change.

Keeping the probe and collection bag clean

To keep the bladder tube clean and free of urine crystals, which can obstruct the tube or cause infection, you must:

  • Avoid pulling or pushing on the bladder probe, as it can cause bladder and urethra sores; Wash the outside of the probe with soap and water 3 times a day, to prevent bacteria from contaminating the urinary tract; Change the bladder tube every 3 months, if it is made of silicone, or every 10 days if it is made of latex. The exchange must be made at the hospital by a health professional and, therefore, it is usually already scheduled; Do not lift the collection bag above the level of the bladder, keeping it hanging on the edge of the bed when sleeping, for example, so that the urine does not enter the bladder again, carrying bacteria into the body; Never place the collection bag on the floor, carrying it, whenever necessary, inside a plastic bag or tied to the leg, to prevent bacteria from the floor contaminating the probe; Empty the probe collection bag whenever it is half full of urine.

In addition to these precautions, it is important to dry the collection bag and the probe well after the bath. However, if the collection bag separates from the probe in the bath or at another time, it is important to throw it in the trash and replace it with a new, sterile collection bag.

These cares can be done by the caregiver, but they must also be done by the person himself, whenever he feels capable.

Warning signs to go to the doctor

Some signs that indicate that you should go immediately to the hospital or emergency room, to change the tube and do tests, are:

  • Blood inside the collection bag of the bladder catheter; Urine leaking out of the catheter; Fever above 38ยบ C and chills. Pain in the bladder.

In some cases it is normal for the person to feel like peeing all the time due to the presence of the probe in the bladder, and this discomfort can be perceived as a slight discomfort or constant pain in the bladder, which should be referred to the doctor to prescribe medication appropriate, increasing comfort.

Bladder catheter: what care should be taken