Home Symptoms 4 Ways to take pressure off your ears

4 Ways to take pressure off your ears


Compression in the ear usually arises due to changes in pressure, such as when traveling by plane or climbing a hill, for example. However, it can also arise when the ear becomes clogged with water or wax, or during an allergy attack.

If the ear is blocked with water, after the pool, for example, see the step-by-step to get the water out of the ear.

Some simple tips to decompress the ear can be:

1. Yawning a few times

Yawning helps the air to move within the ear canals, balancing the pressure and decompressing the ear.

To do this, just imitate the movement of yawning with your mouth and looking at the sky. It is normal that during the yawn, a small click is heard inside the ear, which indicates that it is decompressing. If this does not happen, the process must be repeated as often as necessary.

2. Chewing gum

Chewing gum moves various muscles in your face that allow you to eliminate excess pressure within the ear canals.

This technique is quite simple and can be used not only to decompress the ear, but also to prevent the ear from being compressed during an airplane trip, for example.

3. Drink water

Drinking water is another way to move the muscles in your face and balance the pressure inside your ears.

To do this, you should put water in your mouth, hold your nose and then swallow, tilting your head back.

4. Hold the air

Another way to open the ear canals and balance the pressure that causes the compression is to take a deep breath, cover your nose with your hand and try to breathe out through your nose, while holding your nose.

How to decompress the ear with wax

To decompress the ear that has wax, let the water run into and out of the ear during the bath and then wipe with a towel. However, cotton swabs should not be used, as they can push the wax further into the ear, increasing the risk of infections.

When this procedure is performed 3 times and the ear is still blocked, the otorhinolaryngologist should be consulted, as professional cleaning may be necessary.

Learn more about earwax removal.

4 Ways to take pressure off your ears