Home Bulls Getting pregnant as a boy: 3 methods confirmed by science

Getting pregnant as a boy: 3 methods confirmed by science


The father determines the baby's gender, because he has X and Y type gametes, while the woman has only X type gametes. Thus, to have a boy, it is necessary to conjugate the mother's gamete X with the father, to get a baby with the XY chromosome, which represents a boy. Thus, it is necessary that the spermatozoa that carry the Y gametes penetrate the egg, instead of the spermatozoids X, to guarantee the development of a boy.

For this, there are some science-proven tips that can increase the chances of a Y sperm reaching the egg, however, they are not 100% effective and can still give birth to a girl. In any case, the most important thing is that the baby is always received with happiness, regardless of gender. If you are trying to have a girl, check out our other content with methods for getting pregnant with a girl.

Even so, couples who wish to have a specific boy, can try the scientifically proven tips, since even if they don't work, they don't affect the health of the woman or the baby.

Science-proven strategies

Not many studies are known about the influence of external factors on the baby's sex, other than genetics. However, of the existing ones, it is possible to highlight 3 strategies that seem to increase the chances of having a boy:

1. Having intercourse close to ovulation

According to a study done in the Netherlands in 2010, the closer intercourse occurs to ovulation, the greater the likelihood of having a boy, since type Y sperm swim faster than type X sperm, reaching the egg earlier.. This means that intercourse should only happen on the day before ovulation or on the day itself, during the first 12 hours.

The relationship should also not happen long before ovulation, because the Y sperm, although they are faster, also seem to have a shorter life span, which means that, if the relationship happens a long time before, only the X sperm will be alive. at the time of fertilization.

How to do it: the couple must have sex only 1 day before ovulation or the day itself, up to 12 hours after.

2. Increase your intake of potassium and sodium

Potassium and sodium are two important minerals that also seem to be related to the chances of having a baby boy. That's because in a UK study of more than 700 couples, it was found that women who had a diet richer in sodium and potassium appeared to have a greater number of children, while women who ate a diet richer in calcium and magnesium, they had more daughters.

This result was further confirmed in a study done in the Netherlands in 2010 and another in Egypt in 2016, where women who ate a diet richer in potassium and sodium had success rates above 70% in achieving having a boy. Thus, the researchers said that increasing consumption of foods rich in these minerals, as well as supplementing them, can help women to have a boy.

Although the mechanism by which feeding appears to influence the sex of the baby is not known, the study in Egypt suggests that mineral levels may interfere with the egg membrane, increasing the attraction for type Y sperm.

How to do it: The woman can increase the consumption of foods rich in potassium, such as avocado, banana or peanuts, as well as increase the consumption of sodium. However, it is important to be careful with excessive sodium consumption, as it can result in increased blood pressure and hypertension, as well as complications in the future pregnancy. Thus, the ideal is to make adjustments to the diet with the assistance of a nutritionist. See a list of the main foods with potassium.

3. Having intercourse on the peak day or the following 2 days

The peak day is a concept that was introduced with the Billings method, which is a natural way to assess a woman's fertile period through the characteristics of vaginal mucus. According to this method, the peak day represents the last day on which the vaginal mucus is most liquid and happens about 24 to 48 hours before ovulation. Better understand what the Billings method is.

According to a study done in Nigeria in 2011, having sex on the peak day or the next 2 days seems to increase the chances of having a boy. This method is in line with the strategy of having intercourse close to ovulation, since the peak day happens about 24 hours before ovulation.

The explanation behind this method also seems to be related to the speed of type Y sperm, which appear to reach the egg faster. As with the ovulation method, the relationship should also not happen before the peak day, since Y sperm may not survive to fertilize the egg, leaving only those of type X.

How to do it: the couple should prefer to have sex only on the peak day or during the next two days.

Strategies without scientific evidence

In addition to the strategies that have been studied, there are also others that are popularly known that have no proof or have not yet been studied. These include:

1. Eat more red meat

Several studies indicate that in fact the woman's diet can affect the sex of the baby, however, the main studies are related to the consumption of specific minerals, such as calcium, sodium, magnesium or potassium, and there is no evidence that consumption of red meat can increase the chances of being a boy.

Although some red meats, such as veal, beef or lamb may in fact have greater composition and potassium, they are not the best option for health, and preference should be given to other foods such as avocado, papaya or peas. Still, any change in diet must always be adequate with the help of a nutritionist.

2. Reaching the climax at the same time as the partner

This popular method is based on the idea that during climax the woman releases a secretion that helps the spermatozoa that carry the Y gametes to reach first and penetrate the egg. However, there are no studies that relate the moment of climax to the sex of the baby, and it is not possible to confirm this method.

3. Use the Chinese table

The Chinese table has long been used as a popular and homemade method for selecting the sex of the baby. However, a study carried out in Sweden between 1973 and 2006 found no effectiveness in using this method to predict the sex of the baby, even after evaluating more than 2 million births.

For this reason, the Chinese table is not accepted by the medical community to predict the sex of the baby, even after the woman becomes pregnant. Check out more about the Chinese table theory and why it doesn't work.

4. Position to get pregnant with a boy

This is another method that has not been studied but that is built on the idea that having sex in positions where penetration is deeper leads to a higher rate of having a boy, since it facilitates the entry of Y sperm.

However, as there are no studies done with this method, it is not considered a proven means.

Getting pregnant as a boy: 3 methods confirmed by science