Home Bulls Lack of lubrication in women can be frigidity

Lack of lubrication in women can be frigidity


Frigidity, also known as a female sexual arousal disorder or disorder, is a woman's difficulty or inability to maintain vaginal lubrication during sexual activity because she does not feel sufficient interest or arousal.

Women who have this problem are often seen as cold or icy in bed, so it is important to know how to identify changes in the body and to seek the gynecologist to make the appropriate treatment and return to a normal sex life.


The symptoms caused by frigidity are usually:

  • Reduction or absence of sexual interest; Reduction or absence of sexual fantasies and thoughts; Lack of initiative to initiate intimate contact; Lack of desire or response to the partner's attempts to have intimate contact; Absence or decreased excitement and feeling of pleasure during intimate contact; absence of sexual arousal when in contact with other forms of pleasure, such as erotic stories, images or sensual films.

The diagnosis must be made by the gynecologist, and is usually confirmed when there is the presence of 3 or more of the symptoms mentioned above.

3 Main Causes

The frigidity can originate from psychological, physical or cultural causes, as shown below:

1. Psychological factors

It mainly involves problems such as excess stress, anxiety or depression, but it can also be linked to fear of becoming pregnant or physical or psychological abuse by a partner, which characterizes domestic violence.

2. Physical factors

Problems with hormonal changes, such as hypothyroidism, postpartum and menopause, decrease the production of vaginal lubrication, hindering excitement and pleasure during an intimate relationship.

Another common cause is the use of drugs or medications that interfere with hormone production and libido, such as contraceptives, blood pressure medications, cigarettes and excess alcohol.

In addition, surgical procedures on the genitals, such as hysterectomy, can decrease blood flow to that region, also decreasing lubrication and excitation.

3. Cultural factors

Religious factors, traumas such as sexual abuse or rape, or having a strict sex education that does not allow a woman's pleasure can also cause frigidity and decreased sexual performance.


When related to hormonal problems, the treatment of frigidity involves treating the underlying disease, such as hypothyroidism, or taking medications with estrogens to improve vaginal lubrication and libido, especially in women after menopause.

See the foods that increase libido and how to prepare an aphrodisiac meal in the following video:

It is also advisable to have sex counseling therapy, which helps to reduce anxiety, to get to know the body better and to improve the relationship with the partner.

In addition, using accessories that help with lubrication, increase arousal and stimulate orgasm can also help to spice up the intimate relationship.

Know other diseases related to intimate contact:

Lack of lubrication in women can be frigidity