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Best sports for children, youth and menopause


Did you know that not everyone can play sports? Despite the fact that the idea that in order to be healthy you have to do physical activity, there are certain sports that are not always the best option.

Both in sport and physical activity it is possible to practice alone or in a group, however, the main difference between sport and physical activity is that in sport it is possible to have competition and therefore there is the possibility of becoming an athlete, already in the activity physics, it doesn't. The person is dedicated and does the exercises, but there is no competition between Pilates classes, for example.

Any type of physical exercise is welcome because the muscles and joints become stronger, there is more flexibility and improved mood and well-being. But to make the most of what exercise and sports can do for you, here are the best options for children, teenagers, young people and menopausal women.

For children and teenagers:

At this stage of life good options are:

  • Swimming: about 500 calories per hour Artistic or rhythmic gymnastics: about 210 calories per hour Synchronized swimming: about 400 calories per hour

These sports require good motor coordination, agility, strength and endurance. These sports can be performed in sports centers, swimming pools and racing clubs, for example.

But if you or your child do not like this type of activity or if it is not easy for you to achieve these modalities, see other examples in: Best exercises for the child to grow healthier

For young people full of energy:

For those who are full of energy to spend and want to practice a sport, good options are:

  • Rowing: about 315 calories per hour Football: about 700 calories per hour Volleyball: about 215 calories per hour Water polo: about 700 calories per hour

These sports are good options because they require good cardiovascular conditioning that is more easily acquired at this stage of life.

These ball sports can be practiced more easily because they have already fallen in the national taste and are easily found, since water polo is not so common, although it is very easy to play, being similar to a handball game in the pool, that's why, how about calling friends for a little game?

For sedentary or very overweight youth:

Those who have never practiced any sport or are overweight can choose to:

  • Boxing: about 430 calories per hour Jiu jitsu: about 716 calories per hour Weightlifting: about 420 calories per hour

These are combat sports and physical contact that are not as tiring as running and therefore do not require much cardiovascular conditioning.

But it is still necessary to ensure that you are in good health, it is also recommended to consult a nutritionist to start an adequate diet.

For menopausal women:

At this stage of life, it is more appropriate:

  • Swimming: about 500 calories per hour Canoeing: 358 calories per hour Cycling in or out of the water: about 400 calories per hour

These help with weight loss, which tends to occur at that time and even help fight the heat of menopause. So you guarantee that you don't have that sweat running down your body.

Since you are in this phase check out this article that we prepared for you: Home remedy for menopause

For better age:

For those who are over 60 years old and have not yet decided what they want to do, some good options are more controlled sports, with less impact and risk of falling, such as:

  • Tennis: about 570 calories per hour Ping pong: about 125 calories per hour

Find out which exercises use the most calories.

Best sports for children, youth and menopause