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What is the best contraceptive? see how to choose


In order to choose the best contraceptive method, it is important to consult your gynecologist to discuss the various options and choose the most suitable one. Learn how to take the contraceptive.

The pill is the most popular contraceptive method, but as it should be taken every day, preferably at the same time, there is a risk of forgetting to take a pill, and could become pregnant. Therefore, there are other methods such as the implant or the IUD, for example, that can be used in these cases to prevent unwanted pregnancies. See what are the most common questions about the use of contraceptives.

How to choose the contraceptive method

The contraceptive method that must be adopted by each woman depends on the reason why she seeks a contraceptive means, and must be indicated by the gynecologist. Thus, the options of contraceptive methods indicated for each case are:

Reason for choosing the contraceptive method Contraceptive method indicated
You don't want to take the pill or you often forget to take it Implant, Patch, IUD, Monthly Injectable or Vaginal Ring
Don't want to worry about contraception Implant or IUD
You cannot take the pill or have many side effects when you take it Implant or Diaphragm
Had unprotected intimate contact Pill of the next day
Want to protect yourself against Sexually Transmitted Diseases Condom
Has strong PMS and migraine attacks Implant or IUD
Have polycystic ovary or acne Combined pill
Has endometriosis IUD
Has vascular problems or chronic diseases IUD or Condom
If you just became a mother Continuous use pill
Over 40 years old IUD

No contraceptive method is 100% effective and that is why they are not recommended, such as mainly the table method, withdrawal, temperature and the syntothermic method, which is based on the observation of changes in the menstrual cycle, such as consistency and quantity cervical mucus, and requires sexual abstinence during the fertile period.

For couples who do not wish to have more children, the best contraceptive method is vasectomy or tubal ligation, as these methods are irreversible. However, in young couples who have not yet been parents and do not wish to have children, other contraceptive methods should be used, such as the contraceptive pill, IUD or implant, for example, to prevent pregnancy. It is also recommended that sexual intercourse be performed with the use of condoms, as it is the only method that protects against sexually transmitted diseases.

If no contraceptive method has been adopted, it is possible to check the woman's fertile period and thus assess the chances of pregnancy. Know everything about the fertile period and know yours:

What is the best contraceptive? see how to choose