Home Bulls Bichectomy: what it is, how it is done and recovery

Bichectomy: what it is, how it is done and recovery


Plastic surgery to thin the face, also known as bichectomy, removes small bags of accumulated fat on both sides of the face, leaving the cheeks less bulky, enhancing the cheekbone and thinning the face.

Normally, surgery to thin the face is done under local anesthesia and the cuts are made inside the mouth of less than 5 mm, leaving no visible scar on the face. The price of the surgery for thinning the face usually varies between 4, 700 and 7, 000 reais and the surgery lasts between 30 and 40 minutes, and can be done in some aesthetic clinics.

After surgery it is common for the face to be swollen for the first 3 to 7 days, but the result of the surgery is usually only seen about 1 month after the intervention.

Before and after surgery

Before surgery

After surgery

How is the surgery done

Bichectomy surgery is very quick and easy and can be done in the doctor's office with general anesthesia. During the procedure, the doctor makes a small cut, about 5 mm, inside the cheek, where he removes the excess fat that is accumulated. Then, close the cut with 2 or 3 stitches, finishing the surgery.

After removing the fat, the tissues of the face become inflamed, leaving the face slightly swollen, which can last up to 3 months. However, there are some precautions that help speed recovery, allowing you to see the result earlier.

Care to speed recovery

The recovery from surgery to thin the face lasts, in most cases, about 1 month and is not very painful, and during this period the doctor may prescribe the intake of anti-inflammatory drugs, such as Ibuprofen or Diclofenac, to reduce the swelling of the face and pain relievers, such as Paracetamol, to prevent pain.

In addition, during recovery other care is important, such as:

  • Apply cold compresses to the face 3 to 4 times a day for 1 week; Sleeping with the head of the bed raised until the swelling of the face disappears; Eat a pasty diet for the first 10 days to avoid opening cuts. See how to do this type of food and ensure a good recovery.

However, it is possible to return to work as soon as the day after the surgery, and the only special care to be taken is to avoid prolonged sun exposure and to make physical efforts, such as running or lifting very heavy objects, for example.

Possible risks of surgery

The risks and complications of surgery to thin the face are rare, however, it is possible that it can happen:

  • Infection of the surgery site: it is a risk that is associated with all types of surgery due to the cut caused in the skin, but that is usually avoided with the use of antibiotics directly in the vein before and during the surgery; Facial palsy: may occur if an accidental cut of a facial nerve occurs; Reduction of saliva production: it is more common in more complicated surgeries in which there may be injury to the salivary glands when removing excess fat.

Thus, surgery to thin the face is generally only indicated for cases in which the volume caused by the fat bags is excessive.

Sometimes it may seem that the face is not as thin as expected due to the type of face, which can be round or oblong for example, and not appear as thin and thin as expected. See how to identify your face type by clicking here. Also, see some exercises to do at home and tune your face.

Bichectomy: what it is, how it is done and recovery