Home Symptoms Headache: what can be and how it should be treated

Headache: what can be and how it should be treated


Headache is a common symptom, which is usually related to fever or excessive stress, but it can have other causes, appearing on any part of the head, from the forehead to the neck and from the left side to the right side.

Generally, the headache subsides after resting or taking an analgesic tea, such as gorse tea and angelica, however, in cases where the headache is caused by flu or infections it may be necessary to consult a general practitioner to start treatment appropriate, which may include the use of fever-lowering drugs, such as Paracetamol, or antibiotics, such as Amoxicillin.

Try this tea to relieve headache: Home remedy for headache.

1. Headache at the back of the neck

  • What it can be: it is usually a sign of back problems or poor posture throughout the day. However, in more severe cases, it can also indicate meningitis, especially when it is accompanied by fever and difficulty in moving the neck. What to do: a hot compress should be placed on the neck until the pain subsides. If the pain persists for more than 1 day or is accompanied by other symptoms, a general practitioner should be consulted immediately.

2. Constant headache

  • What it can be: it can indicate a migraine and, therefore, it can also be accompanied by nausea, vomiting and sensitivity to light or noise. What to do: in this case, what you can do is relax in a dark place and take an analgesic medication, such as Paracetamol or AAS, under the guidance of the general practitioner.

More guidance in: Constant headache.

3. Headache and eyes

  • What it can be: it is usually a sign of tiredness, but it can also be an important suspicion of vision problems, such as myopia or hyperopia, or simply due to tired eyes. What to do: it is recommended to rest and avoid strong light sources, such as television or computer. If the pain does not improve after 24 hours, an ophthalmologist should be consulted to correct the vision and reduce discomfort. See what you can do to combat eye pain and tired eyes at home by clicking here.

4. Headache on the forehead

  • What it can be: it is a frequent symptom of flu or sinusitis due to inflammation of the sinuses present in this region. What to do: wash your nose with saline, nebulize 3 times a day and take sinus remedies, such as Sinutab, for example.

Learn how to correctly identify if it can be rhinitis: What it is and how to identify the symptoms of rhinitis.

5. Head and neck pain

  • What it can be: it is the most common type of pain and arises, especially, at the end of the day or after situations of great stress. What to do: can be treated with relaxation techniques, such as massage, for example.

What can be headache in pregnancy

Headache in pregnancy is a normal symptom in the first trimester due to hormonal changes and the increased need for water and food intake, which can cause dehydration or hypoglycemia.

Thus, to reduce the headache in pregnancy, the pregnant woman can take Paracetamol (Tylenol), as well as drink about 2 liters of water a day, avoid drinking coffee and take breaks for relaxation every 3 hours.

However, the headache in pregnancy can be dangerous when it appears after 24 weeks, associated with abdominal pain and nausea, as it can indicate high blood pressure and, therefore, one must consult the obstetrician quickly to start the appropriate treatment.

Watch the video to learn how to get a headache-relieving massage:

When to go to the doctor

It is recommended to consult a general practitioner when the headache:

  • It appears after strokes or traffic accidents; It takes more than 2 days to disappear; It is accompanied by other symptoms such as fainting, fever above 38º, vomiting, dizziness or changes in vision; It causes difficulty to see or walk, for example; Worsens along of time;

In these cases, the doctor may order diagnostic tests, such as computed tomography or magnetic resonance imaging, to diagnose the problem and initiate appropriate treatment that may include the use of various medications. See here which remedies are most used.

Headache: what can be and how it should be treated