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How to identify genital herpes


The doctor can identify genital herpes by observing the individual's genital and perianal area, analyzing the symptoms of the disease, and diagnostic confirmation can be made through a laboratory exam.

Symptoms of genital herpes

The symptoms of genital herpes include blisters or rounded balls, very close to each other, containing a liquid rich in viruses, yellowish in color, and with redness around, as you can see in the image:

Appearance of blisters caused by genital herpes in men and women

By observing the affected area, it is possible to determine which region is most sensitive to pain and itching, and whether there is redness or blisters with liquid. In some cases, the blisters may rupture, due to scratching, rubbing or due to the use of very tight clothing, for example, which increases the chances of the presence of bacteria in the wounds, which can lead to the appearance secondary infections.

This virus can be easily transmitted, which usually happens when you come into contact or if you have an intimate relationship without a condom with a person who has blisters or liquid sores. Find out more about how to avoid getting genital herpes at How to get genital herpes.

Diagnosis of genital herpes

For the diagnosis of genital herpes, the doctor may scrape the wound to store a small amount of fluid coming from inside. Through the microscope, the presence of the herpes virus can be observed or not in the sample.

When the virus is identified, the diagnosis is closed, and the doctor must say which treatment is most appropriate. Usually, an antiviral such as Acyclovir is prescribed and is advised not to have intercourse while there is an injury, not even with a condom.

To protect yourself from this disease, see how to get cold and genital herpes.

How to identify genital herpes